3. Charming

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Harry had passed out again, but when he woke he was pissed off.  He was getting tired of being tied down and seeing only four walls around him.  He needed some sort of escape, and he wondered if the wards had been changed to accommodate him.  

Of course they had, they weren't stupid.  And Harry knew without being told that his strength had increased tenfold.

He stretched his aching body and silently hoped that Hermoine would come back with another vial of potion.  His teeth were hurting, and his thirst was back in spades.

He heard the door open but it was not Hermoine who entered.  With his eyes closed, Harry knew exactly who it was just by his scent.  Apples and an undertone of sandalwood. 

He stayed silent and unmoving, hoping that the man would walk up to his bed.  

"Potter", said the blond.  "You can act all you want, I know you're awake", said Draco.

Harry turned his face towards his guest, and his eyes roamed up and down, taking in the beauty of his once (?) enemy.  Liking what he saw, he decided to play it cool, and not be an insulting piece of shit - which he knew was going to be hard, but hey, he was at Draco's mercy.  And beggars can't be choosers.

"Hello Draco", he said in a sultry voice, trying to sound charming.

Malfoy blinked at him.  Since when does Potter call him Draco?  Not one to dwell on such stupid thoughts, he walked up to him to take his temperature.  He placed a cool hand on Harry's forehead, and waved his wand over him.  

"The fever seems to have left you - finally", he said with a shaky voice.  Why is it that Potter always had this effect on him?

"Yeah", he croaked out.  "Thank you", he said when he saw the man was ready to leave his bedside.

"What for Potter?", he asked, standing where he was.

"For attending to me - I have seen you in my room on some nights Draco", he said.  

Very aware of his surroundings, he hoped that Malfoy was not.  Just the scent of this man was enough to drive him crazy, and he felt with horror that his cock was started to stand up and take notice again.  Large and in charge, and he desperately wanted to bury his nose in Malfoy's neck and smell him until the cows came home.

No scratch that.  

He wanted to bury his face in Malfoy's arse, so that he could taste him for the rest of time.  That wasn't too much to ask, was it.  

Malfoy smiled at him, and sat down on the chair that he had moved closer to the bed.

"It's my job Potter", he said, not looking at where Harry's cock was moving, thank Merlin.  

"Now, Granger says you lost your temper today with Weasley - and that you asked for more potion", he declared.

Harry licked his lips and used his voice again to turn the situation around in his favor.  "Could you please undo the straps, just so that I can stretch my legs a bit", he asked, hoping for a yes, but betting on a no.

Malfoy contemplated this and then did as he was asked.  He was a trained healer, and would knock the hero out if he tried anything funny and he told Harry this, making him laugh.

When he felt his ties loosen, he shook his hands out, and rubbed his wrists.  "Thank you Draco", he said and winked seductively at him.  He leaned against the wall, and placed his hands in his lap, because his cock wasn't listening to him, and seemed to have a mind of it's own.  

"Yes, I lost my temper, and yes I asked for more potion.  Did you bring it?", he asked looking Malfoy in the eye.

"There on your night stand.  Drink it now", he said.  Harry turned his gaze to the vial, and thought that he should hold back for a bit.  Draco raised a well groomed eyebrow at this.

Harry held his hand out and the vial flew into it.  Again, he popped the cork and with another wink at his healer, he downed it in one go.  Groaning at the taste, he licked and smacked his lips together.  There was something different about this potion.  

It was almost seductive, like there was an added ingredient.

Draco was blown away by the wandless and non verbal magic that Potter had performed and he was turned on by it.  So much so, that there was a shift in the room, making Harry sit up and take notice.  He reached into the room and saw that his magic had Malfoy moving uncomfortably in his chair, and loved the effect he had on the man.

See how you like it, he thought wickedly.  

"This one tastes different", he stated in a dry voice, holding the blond man in a lustful glare, his cock now really throbbing for attention.  

Draco wondered what the previous potion had tasted like.  He had asked Severus if some blood could be added to the existing potion to make it stronger, to which his godfather had replied yes, but small amounts.  "We are not sure of the affect it will have on Potter, so small doses Draco", he had been told.

Draco had wasted no time and had cut his own finger allowing two small drops to combine with the potion that was already in the vial.  Unbeknown to Harry, there was also a bit of dreamless sleep added, so that he would be able to rest after drinking it.  Draco wanted to know what the changes were going to be, so he sat back to watch Potter, taking notes of everything.

He saw how the hero eyes glazed over before they closed after his statement of the different taste.  He heard Potter's voice change, and noticed how his breathing had become labored, as if he was panting from doing some strenuous exercise.  

He watched as he slumped down onto his pillow, and how his hand went immediately to his groin area, taking hold of what seemed to be a huge cock and pushing it down.

He watched as his eyes rolled back into his head and saw how the savior moved onto his stomach for more friction.  Jesus Christ, Potter was getting off on the taste.  He made his notes, and when it seemed that his patient had stopped moving, he stood up and removed the empty vial from Harry's grip.

As soon as it was over, Draco placed a hand on Harry's back, retied his wrists, covered him with a blanket, and left the room.  

This had been his first experiment with the potion.  One down, several more to go.

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