10. Decided

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Draco and Snape had been left to monitor Potter, and Pansy still wanted an answer to her question.  Snape however was not going to be forthcoming, even if it was a fellow Slytherin.  Turning to her he sneered.

"That will be all, thank you Miss Parkinson", he said and went back to his paper work.  She huffed at the dismissal and then turned her puppy eyes to Draco.  He just looked at her and said that it was confidential.  They were not allowed to discuss his predicament with anyone.

She relented after a while and then left them alone.  Draco was busy brewing a potion for his own personal stock, when he heard a groan coming from the bed where Harry was.  He placed a Stasis charm on the potion, and made his way to the hero.  

Snape sat back and decided to watch what his protégé was going to do.  He knew exactly why Potter had reacted the way he had to Draco's blood, but what he didn't know was why he suddenly didn't want to take it anymore.  He also knew that Draco had harbored a very serious crush on Potter for years.

Obviously something had happened for that to change - something that no one knew about.  He hoped that Draco would be able to get some answers.

His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the savior.  

"Where am I?", he said in a thick voice.

"Lie still Potter - you're in the medical center at the Ministry", replied Draco, and placed a hand on his chest. 

Harry sat up suddenly at the voice of Malfoy, and backed up against his headboard, his eyes wild and searching the room for an escape.  He had heard everything that had been said by the man about him, the way it had sounded like praise.  And why would Draco ever be enamored with a goddam vampire!!  

But that didn't make things easier, because the scent of Malfoy was there.  

It was just there.  

And Harry knew he had to reel it in.

He wasn't sure how he was going to do that, but he had to try.  

Snape frowned.  Potter used to be all over Draco, what was going on?  

"Harry", said Draco softly.

"Get out", snapped Harry.  

Malfoy looked at him and didn't know why it felt like the words hit him like a whip, but he did as he was told, and stormed out of the office, leaving Snape to deal with him.

"Potter.  Mr Malfoy is your healer - why did you send him away?", sneered Snape.  

Harry looked at him with disgust.  Without answering him, he simply asked, "What happened to me?".

"You sent a letter stating that you wanted to try new blood - you never gave a reason.  So we had a witch donate her blood, only to find out that she had ingested something that you are apparently allergic to - raspberries.  You had an allergic reaction, and after administering the right medicine, you were brought here to recover", said Snape in a bored voice.

"Now answer my question", he demanded.  "Why did you send your healer away?".

"Where is Hermoine?", was the comeback.  

Fuck this, he wasn't going to answer Snape.

"She was sent home from being exhausted, trying to figure you out Potter!", he spat out.  "Now answer my bloody question", he said again.

Harry took a deep breath and started talking.  "Because he... I'm a vampire and he.....he....I just don't.....want him to get hurt !", he shouted back.

Snape looked confused.  "Explain Potter".

"The first day I woke up when I was tied down to a bed, I was....aroused....and it was... weird... but...I enjoyed the feeling.  When Malfoy came into my room, the arousal spiked even higher, as if I wanted him.  And then when I tasted his blood.....", he stopped talking, and blushing, only just realizing what he was saying.

"Potter?", queried Snape.

"His scent and his blood give me the same reaction...I don't know.....!!" he said.  "I don't know - it's just if I see anyone near him I get angry.  Like I want to protect him and wrap him in my arms.....fuck I just don't......", he whimpered.  Not understanding what he himself was trying to say.

"But I can't keep doing this, it's not fair to Draco.  I feel all gooey and protective when it comes to him, and I don't want him anywhere near me.  It's better that way, because then he can be friends with whoever he wants.  I won't be there to get angry.  That's why I sent him away", he said and rolled onto his side to indicate that this conversation was over.

Snape pondered the words that Potter has just spoken and decided to leave the man to his own thoughts.  He went to the door that he saw had been left ajar, and raised a brow at Draco who was pacing in the hallway outside.  He wondered if Draco had heard what Potter had said.

In the same way that he had showed Malfoy to duel Potter in second year with an abrupt show of his thumb, he sent a silent message to go and talk to the insufferable prat.  Draco raised his chin in a manner that would make any pureblood proud, and entered the room.

Harry felt himself stiffen when he registered the scent that had entered the room.  Closing his eyes, he was going to fake sleep.  Malfoy could talk to the fucking walls, he didn't care.  As long as he left him alone.

"Potter", he said with determination.  "Will you please for the love of fuck, get over yourself", he said.  "I am your healer and I am here to help you", and waited for a reply.

"I'm sorry Draco", said Harry.  "I really didn't mean to embarrass you or become between you and David.  It won't happen again", he mumbled.

Harry hoped that Malfoy would understand his situation and leave.  The decision to not drink his blood anymore was not what he really wanted to do, because he knew that was the only potion that his body accepted.  He would have to find a way to stay away from him now though, that much was clear.

The pureblood would never have a normal life if he and Harry were ever to become more than friends or colleagues?  

"I don't care if it happens again Potter - it was quite admirable", said Draco, understanding how Potter thinks.

He closed his eyes, and after hearing Draco leave the room, threw back the covers, put his clothes back on and went back to his office.

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