4. The Wards

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Harry was pacing in his room.  His bonds had been placed back onto his arms and ankles, but his magic was stronger now, and with just a thought, they had come loose.  He relished in this new part of him, and although Harry knew he was going to receive shouting from one or more people because of it, he was a rule breaker by nature and so he went with it.  

He had been confined to his room for almost three weeks now, and he wanted out.  He remembered Malfoy being here and his cool hands on him.  He remembered the way that he had held his wand, and how he had stirred when Harry had used his magic.  He remembered being told that he will drink his potion now, and he remembered the taste of the glorious dark liquid gliding down his throat.

Filling him in all ways, he recalled how his cock was so hard, it had even leaked a bit of precum.  How his hands had gone to soothe himself without a thought, because he couldn't handle the pain anymore.  How he had groaned and almost let himself go by wanking.  He had really really wanted to come, but he wasn't going to lose it in front of his healer.

So he had turned onto his stomach, hoping that this movement would be taken as him passing out, and getting Malfoy to leave.  It had worked, but the minute that he was alone, Harry's hand made it's way towards his cock again, because a severe case of blue balls were being had by the hero, and if anyone came in to examine him, that would be the first thing that they would see.

But he didn't want to please himself, because that was Malfoy's job, wasn't it?  So he had urged his cock to stand down.  Thinking of such things as Vernon wearing high heels and stockings, giving Aragog a lap dance, had made his dick listen, but only to a degree.  

He knew that the potion had been changed, and he wanted answers.  What had been added, and who had added it.  The next person to walk through that door was going to provide answers, whether they wanted to or not.

"Harry Potter, how on earth did you get out of your restraints?", asked Hermoine.  

He looked up - not even hearing the door when it had opened.

"Hermoine, I am sick to death of those things.  I need fresh air, please", he begged with a puppy dog look in his eyes.  

She looked at him - in his boxer underpants - and said they could leave shortly, but there was something that he needed to receive first.

Before she could elaborate, the door opened again, and Malfoy walked in accompanied by Snape, which of course had Harry paying strict attention to the blond the minute he had entered.

They both looked at him and wondered how he was off the bed and walking around, 

"Granger, why did you take the restraints off Potter?", sneered Malfoy.

"I did it Draco", Harry growled out.  

"Because I want to go outside", he said.  

He wondered why the hospital hadn't warned them that the wards had been broken, but he was not going to dwell on that.  There were more pressing issues at hand, like the fact that he needed to drink a blood potion, and that he really wanted to fuck Draco Malfoy against the wall and make him submit to him.

Only one of those things were going to happen, apparently.  And it wasn't the 'fucking' thing.  Also, if they gave him a potion, he didn't want them to see his reaction to it.  Not that he didn't welcome it, but to have a hard on in front of his friend and Professor was something that he could do without.

Snape held out his hand with a vial in it, offering it to Harry.  He looked into the black eyes of the potions master, and scowled.  

"Drink it Potter", he snarled out.  

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