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"Don't even think about getting up," I warn Dane with a sinister glare as he shifts in his seat and then moves back down. Knowing better than to rile me today. I'm still sore at him for what he did last night, and soon as I get him alone, we will be talking about the damn racing. I barely slept from nightmares about him crashing his stupid bike.

"My head is killing me." He implores to my sweeter side with a pathetic pout, but mood today is vile. Suffering from lack of sleep due to emotional fragility, exasperated by my mom getting up at 5 am and informing me she was heading off for a weekend spa and Bryan taking off on some business trip. So obviously, they aren't talking and taking time apart. We have been left alone with our housekeeper.

I blame Dane for all of it and how hellish I feel today.

"Whose fault is that?" I snort, picking up the notebook from the table in the middle of the four of us. I start jotting down notes as Elisa picks out key points from an article she is reading with her pointer finger on the laptop beside me.

"Weren't you supposed to be at the shelter... why are we doing this? I could be upstairs vegetating with a movie." Dane moans, slides sideways, and attempts to put his head on the armrest of the chair he's slumped on. Sunglasses are sliding down his face even though we are sitting in the shade, and he looks annoyingly sporty in a white tee over white shorts. Hardly the picture of a suffering guy.

He fell out of bed at noon and found us sitting here waiting for him after I summoned them both to get this started. Tyler isn't any better, but at least he has the foresight not to make a fuss and is sitting drinking water. Looking green like he's about to throw up, Elisa seems less petrified of his presence for once. I think having the distraction of work to do helps her relax.

Her head is on work, so she's sat up, staring at the screen and engrossed in finding us good info on how to write this topic essay. She loves problem-solving a challenge and is oblivious to the fact when she works, she sits upright proudly with a bright expression and her hair back out of the way. I have caught Tyler appraising her anytime she brushes her hair to one side in a sweeping bang to see the screen, and I can tell he's a little surprised at how pretty my friend is.

With her delicate features, flawless pale skin, and spatter of faint freckles that always seemed fairy-like to me or some magical enchantress. Elisa has beautiful features that are sort of ethereal when she forgets about hiding and relaxes. Her glasses make her seem mature, but her braces add a cuteness that I find adorable.

"They called and told me not to come in. Most of the staff have come down with some virus and don't want volunteers to spread it further. As for this..... you said you would try." I add pointedly, locking a gaze on him with meaning, and I catch him falter, a frown evident over his shades, and he looks away.

There's been a weirdness between us since he showed face, and I am uber aware that he keeps avoiding my direct gaze. He also sat opposite me instead of anywhere close enough to prod and annoy me for once.

"Whatever..... so what's the plan? Wanna ditch this shit, and the four of us get down and dirty and fake date for a week. Maybe we can write it like an experience diary." He smirks, and I can tell without seeing he winked too, simultaneously earning a kick in the shin from Tyler and me. Elisa's face turns crimson, and she lowers her chin and engrosses herself in typing. Tyler frowns his way and mouths the words 'cut it out' silently at him.

"Be serious," Tyler warns, unusually grumpy today and lacking his normal bro humor since he sat down. I don't know if it's hangover related or connected to how much he keeps staring at Elisa and seems to be toning down his behavior. He's picked up on how easy she is to scare in a short time, and I noticed he's been painfully polite and almost soft when talking to her about the project. I guess, like most people who start to spend time with her, he sees that she's a precious gem and should be treated as such. Elisa is a rare being who brings out the fierce protective side to most who know her.

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