Brother's call

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Just watching Jake is fun, like how a sneaky cat took my phone and is not even aware that I am watching him.

I tried to not laugh and asked him "What are you doing? Jake."

He flinches at my voice, looks at me, and said a little embarrassed "Sorry, Mc I took your phone without telling you, but I want to make sure that if my pursuers again try to do something, so I will know quickly."

I nodded walked toward him and sit beside him looking at his laptop which is showing so much code and alien language, which I don't understand.

So I quietly told him "You just recovered from your fever Jake and still need rest so don't push yourself."

Jake look at me with a smile and said "Don't worry Mc, I just want to make sure you are safe from any unnecessary attack."

I look at him and said with a little smile hanging on my lips "I registered a new number and got myself another phone, Jake, last week because of Lilly's video. I was thinking of giving the number to guys too. "

He just nodded and said, "Ok give it to me."

I just give my new phone to Jake and asked "Our chats did you delete it permanently."

He took my hand in his and squeezed it a little and said, "I have to you know. Mc for your protection, I am willing to do anything. Even if I have to give myself up."

I look into his eyes and put my head on his chest and hug him. While listening to his heartbeats.

He also put his head on the crook of my neck and embraced me in his arm tightly. His warm breath sends a shiver to me. And he mumbled, "I wish this moment lasted longer."

I closed my eyes and listen to his heartbeats which were like a beautiful melody to my ears. And this was our world, we both are in each other arms, where we both belong.

We stay like this for a while until my phone started ringing and we broke the hug.

Well, I want to curse whoever was so I angrily pick up my phone and saw it was my brother Alex on the call. So I swallow my anger and pick up quickly.

"Brother, why are you calling me at late night? Is everything alright?"

Like always Alex is straightforward and came to a point directly.

"Mc, are you in Colville or Duskwood?"

I was expecting it. I really can't hide this thing from my brother forever, that I am involved with a wanted hacker and a missing girl case. So I just took a deep breath before getting scolded by my brother.

"Brother I..."

But Alex just cut me off. He is pissed.

"Save it for later Mc. I am coming to Duskwood in 2 days and then we talk about it face to face understood."

I just close my eyes and said, "Ok Brother."

Just as I hung up the phone, Jake looked at me and asked "Mc is everything ok? You look troubled."

I just lower my head and said while looking at my hand "It's my brother, Jake."

Jake held my hand and said, "If you want to talk to someone, I will be happy to listen."

I didn't dare to look at Jake and just close my eyes and thought that one day Jake will find it out anyway. When that day will come he will hate me and lose his trust in me. I still remember when Jake told me that I am the only one he trust and I don't want him to lose his trust in me, I don't want Jake to hate me. Even if he decided to stay away from me because of Alex.

So I said to Jake in one breath "My brother Alex is a CIA agent Jake and I guess he knew about my involvement with you and Hannah's case. And he is coming to Duskwood in 2 days."

Now there was pin-drop silence in the room. I didn't dare to look at Jake, for fear that he might never want to meet me again.

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