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When I was leaving the cabinet Jessy insisted to I eat something or else she won't let me leave. So I have to eat breakfast quickly before leaving.

After leaving the cabinet, I started to drive to Duskwood. It is a small sleepy village surrounded by dense forest. It's a quiet and peaceful town. It's a place where you want to come for relaxation. The town itself is lovely and the people look nice too.

To be honest, after knowing that Jake is safe I felt relief and decided to do something for Jessy today.

After arriving at Duskwood police station I called Alan...

"Hello Alan, I am outside of your little station. "

"Just give the front desk your name. they will send you to me."

Wow, look like our chef is busy with the FBI agents. I just chuckled and shake my head.

I took a deep breath and walked inside the police station. And directly came to the front desk and told the woman who sitting and doing something on the computer.

"Hello my name is Mc and I have an appointment with Chief Alan Bloomgate."

I guess Phil was right that I am indeed the celebrity in Duskwood. Because when the front desk woman heard my name she looks at me with wide eyes and said while pointing her finger at Alan's office.

"Mr. Bloomgate is waiting for you in his office"

I thanked her and walked towards Alan's office and knock.

"Come in."

I pushed the door and said with a professional smile.

"Hello, Alan I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long."

Alan looks tired but still smiled and said while gesturing for me to sit.

"Truth be told I didn't think that you will come. "

I sit with a smile and said, "I promise you that when everything will get fine I will come to answer your questions and here I am."

He sighs and said, "Because your hacker friend the FBI has sent 2 agents for Miss Donfort's case."

I frowned and asked, "Did they know about my involvement in the case."

Alan just nodded and said, "They know and are waiting for you to interrogate you."

I sighed and said frustrated "Ok let's end this interrogation fast"

Alan nodded and take me to the interrogation area. There is one man with glasses and a blond hair woman sitting in the chair. In front, there is one chair for me I guess. So I sit in it and said calmly "Let's start."

They both looked a little surprised to see me so calm and look at each other for a second and started to ask me questions regarding Hannah's case finally here came the question I was waiting for:

The blonde hair woman asked me "So how do you know the hacker?"

"I don't."

"Then do you know that he was wanted?"

"I don't."

They look at each other and then the glasses guy asked me "So you don't know that he was wanted"

I just nodded and said, "I don't know anything about him after the mine explosion we are not in contact after that."

The glasses guy look at me and said "Then can you give us your phone."

I look at him hesitating and took my phone out. Just as I look at my phone screen that is glitching just like the voting then it becomes normal. I blinked my eyes and give it to them.

The glass guy took it and connect it to his laptop quickly then started to check my phone. After checking my phone he has a frown but didn't say anything and give it back to me and end the interrogation.

I took it back and open the chats to check what I was thinking and indeed my chat with Jake was gone. He was not even in the group chat anymore like he never existed and the spy mode messages are also gone.

I feel a little sad knowing that my chat with Jake was gone but I know that it was for our safety. So I took a deep breath and left with Alan to his office.

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