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I guess it was another bad day for me. I mean who the hell in his right mind will choose mine to keep hostage? Well, our kidnapper is not in his right mind indeed from the beginning.

A bad day did not end with just one or two things. First I got the wrong map, then now our dear police chief decided to come too. But anyway, he finds Hannah and took her out of there.

But my dearest pursuers who are hot on my heels are here out waiting for me now. What a bad day indeed. But I still took a deep breath and told Mc...

Jake: But do not worry.

I will think of something.

Mc: I just wish everything has gone differently

Jake: Do you remember when I had to go into hiding?

Mc: As if I could forget.

Jake: I told you then that I would not allow myself to be captured

Because that would mean our eternal separation.

That promise still holds.

Mc: I know you can do it.

Jake: :)

I must go

Mc: Good luck, Jake.

I took a deep breath and decided to do anything for making our promise true. But before that, I want to tell her one thing that I mean to tell her for a while.

Jake: Mc

Mc: Why are you back online?

Jake: I cannot go without telling you.

Mc: Jake, you have to hurry!

Jake: I know.

But I cannot bear the thought of leaving my feelings for you unsaid.

Mc: What do you want to tell me?

Jake: Mc

I love you

Mc: I love you too, Jake.

I have to get out of here now at any cost. If I don't want to get caught. Cause someone is waiting for me now. But before that, I have to find Richy. I know Mc has told me Alan will find him but I just can't get that bad feeling out that if I leave he won't be able to make it.

Just as I thought my day cannot go more worst. As I run through the mine tunnels. I smell smoke coming from one of the tunnels. Just as I got near to check I saw him sitting near the mine wall and watching the flame.

I walked toward him as I started pulling him to stand up and said "Richy get up! We have to get out of here quickly." He looks at me and asked, "Who are you? How do you know me?" I look at his injured arm that needs treatment and said "It's me hacker" as I continue to pull him. He stands up quietly with my help and looks down while saying "Leave Jake... it's me who kidnapped Hannah... I am the man without a face... I threatened the whole group... and Mc."

I already realized it when I saw the gunshot wound on his arms but hearing it from his mouth still amazed me how he did all of these things to his friends. And make them live in a nightmare.

I look at the flames that are growing slowly and said, "Then you own all of their explanation and forgiveness from Hannah and Mc." He looks at me and said with tears, "Let me die, please... I don't deserve to live after what I have done." I look at him and gently squeeze his shoulder while saying "Then do you want Mc to live in guilt for her whole life that she won't be able to save you a second time too? Sorry, but I can't see the love of my life suffer again because of someone like you. Whether you like it or not you are coming out with me. Do you understand?" He just nodded his head and started to walk with me quietly.

Just as we both are running around. Richy hold my hand and said, "If I remember correctly there is another way to go outside from here." I look at him as he continues to say "When I was here with Hannah I found it by the coincidence."

The air started to get thick from the smoke and it started to get hard to breathe. Hearing he knows a way out So I just nodded my head for Richy to lead the way out.

He started to lead us the way while mumbling "Please let it be the right way..."

Just as we almost got out of mine from another side we suddenly heard the explosion and the mine started to shake and rumble. As we both started to run for our lives.

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