Chapter 1[The Disappearing Man]

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Radhe Radhe readers 💙🦚,

Purvi's POV:

I was working on my novel titled 'Where we met last night'.I leaned upon the chair as my neck ached alot.

"Oww I should take a break for somedays"I adviced in pain sitting in my cabin.A notification popped up on my phone.I tilted it a little to see"Do send a copy of the text tomorrow itself"written by the publisher.

"Ohhh this man will take my life one day!"

"You are my life and no one has the guts to take u away from me!"I heard a whisper

I rotated my chair to see no one."Who spoke?"I mumbled.

Well these whispers were a part of my daily schedule from the last week itself.I ignored it and looked at the clock.It was already 10 and ya I had already done 2 hrs of extra work today.

"Tomorrow 2 hrs extra sleep...yayyy"I informed myself in excitement.

I walked out of the office.The sky was pitch dark.I observed my surroundings to only see no one anywhere.

"What is this!? Am I tooo late today?"I asked myself in confusion.

I walked towards my house.The cab drivers were on strike today.These people u know! Silly!

I felt a pair of eyes watching me.I turned to see a man following me.He saw me looking at him and passed a creepy smile to me.His weird smile made me anxious.My heart started throbbing fast.Chills ran down my spine.
I started walking fast.He started moving closer to me.I turned and hurried not making him realise that I was scared.

"Hey God save me today"I prayed and crossed my fingers.

It was bitter cold and I was totally huffing in fear.His footsteps made me grow more anxious.He was coming closer to me I could easily make out.His footsteps grew louder and louder.

I reached my home but a thing which made me perplexed was a second ago I heard his footsteps but now the man was no where to be found.

"Where did he vanish?"I asked myself totally in a baffled state.

I stepped into my house still in the same state of confusion.

I closed the door and found a pink sticky note struck on it.

"The one who'll try to snatch you away from me, his life will be snatched away.Don't worry my dear.I am always there for you."

Author's POV:

Purvi stood with the sticky note in hand.Yes she was a great novelist but she never revealed her Identity.

She was shocked because it was her lines and that too the favourite ones.It was the lines quoted from her new book which is going to be published next month.

"This person is a real idiot for sure.How the heck does he knows about my lines which I penned in my new novel?"She cursed.

She kept the sticky note near the table lamp and moved towards her room.

She laid on the bed but sleep was far from her eyes.

A message again popped up on her mobile screen.This time it was an unknown number.

"Eat ur dinner."

She heard the main door's shutting sound and ran downstairs to see who it was? but it was too late the man had already went.

Poor Purvi with shaking steps she went to the dining table to see what was in the packet kept there.

With trembling hands she opened it was her favourite ravioli pasta.

"Now How did he knew about it?"She asked herself in irritation.

So the chapter is here✌🏻💙.

Okay! So iss story pe updates thode slow rhenge till my boards after that I promise u all will get a shower of updates for sure.

And 'Tum jo mile' par bhi thode slow rhenge.

Do tell me kaisa laga✨ in the comments and do press the star button on your screen's extreme left.

Very excited to know your reviews.

Radhe Radhe 💙🦚✨.

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