Chapter 15: Red Dawn

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Old Capital Ruins


Dawn. Sunrise. Morning. Words and thoughts which just moments ago seemed unthinkable, let alone possible.

It was no other sunrise ever before seen.

Brimming from just below the horizon the first rays of sunlight tentatively reached out among the fading night sky, as if seeking permission to rise from its resting place.

But mimicking the stars, which still glowed furiously above her, the sun too was clothed in a new shade of color.


The new sunlight was unnatural. The Red Sun's rays of light tinted everything it touched in a crimson bath. It crawled across Cadance like a perversion of her aunt's gentle and warm sunlight. The red light raining down on her made Cadance want to go hide in a hole, run away, or flee. It was such a fearful sight that her bravery failed her and in that moment she would have done anything to escape the glare of the Red Sun. The scarlet light that poured forth mocked her with its deception of victory. What should have been a triumphant return was now a shocking and terrifying display of power.

Words failed Cadance. Nothing could have prepared her for this. It was just too many surprises in rapid succession, turning her world upside down with new revelations and breaking down previously firm beliefs.

Silhouetted against the rising Red Sun, Nova sneered down at Cadance.

"Here is my vengeance! Here is my justice!"

Cadance shook her head, bewilderment and confusion running through her rapidly. None of this was making any sort of sense.

"Justice?!" Cadance whimpered in disbelief. She stepped back and put some distance between herself and Nova, wary of a continuation of her opponent's attacks, willing her battered body to carry on. "What have you done to the sun?!"

Nova dismissed her inquiry with a wave of her hoof and stepped closer, magic sparking along her black horn. "That, Cadenza, is something you can mull over during your stay in Tartarus. What I do and why I do something is no longer your concern."

Cadance gasped. "T-T-Tartarus!" Even though panic and dread was starting to overcome her shock of seeing the new red sun, Cadance's mind was still grasping at any information that might prove useful. "Is that were Celestia is imprisoned?"

Nova's eyes narrowed and she hissed slightly at the mention of her mentor. "Say that name again and I might just change my mind about sparing your life."

Cadance stopped backing up, curiosity getting the better of her. "'re going to spare my life?" She couldn't help but let a hopeful tone leak into her voice. The thought of this vengeful, hateful, and obviously bloodthirsty version of Twilight being merciful towards one of her supposed betrayers was too bizarre, especially after the beating Nova had already given her. Perhaps Twilight wasn't as corrupted as she had originally thought.

"I know what you're thinking." Nova said bluntly. "Don't deceive yourself. It would just be too inconvenient to kill you."

That didn't sound promising. Cadance turned her head, surveying the ruins while also keeping an eye on Nova. She needed to find Shining and then escape somehow, but she needed more time.

She needed Nova to keep talking.

"How would killing me inconvenience you?" Cadance inquired. There was genuine curiosity there among her need to buy more time.
Nova crept forward, watching Cadance intently. Still though, Twilight loved to explain things. It wouldn't be too farfetched that Nova would as well.

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