Chapter 4: Moonrise

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Canterlot Castle

6 hours into Eternal Night

Shining Armor

"No sign of Princess Celestia Captain."

Things can't possibly get much worse.

Captain Shining Armor, head of the EUP, was pacing rapidly in the Celestia's throne room. His armor clacked together as he nervously walked back in forth, joining the symphony of metallic clanging as the other guard's armor clanked as they themselves shifted in undisguised anxiety.

Two hours earlier, as he was retiring for the night in his private quarters at the barracks, he had decided to check the roster one last time to make sure the castle was properly guarded with sentries for the upcoming festival.

What he found instead however, was a clerical error, perhaps deliberate, that changed the guard's watch shifts to where none of them were on patrol to protect Princess Celestia that night.

Realizing this, he had immediately galloped to the barracks and woke up all of the sleeping guards. He then sent them to secure the castle and check on the princess quickly.

They searched the castle top to bottem, and they all realized the depth of their failure almost instantly.

Princess Celestia was missing.

Not only that, but there was a faint magic residue in the throne room that told the investigating guards that powerful magic had been used there recently. In addition to that, the princess's own chambers had been ransacked, papers and books thrown across the room in a mess.

Dread beginning to infect him and the other guards, Shining had sent out guards to Ponyville to see if by chance the princess was there earlier than expected for the Summer Sun Celebration. He then did the one thing he disliked about his job if a situation like this ever arose.

He told his marefriend.

It was difficult admitting to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza the alicorn of Love that he had completely lost track of her adoptive aunt and had let the castle's security become compromised. Admitting to his blunder had been harder than taking Twilight to the dentist when she was a filly.

Guard Protocol however, stated that the acting Captain of the Royal Guard had to inform Princess Cadence of the situation immediately if Princess Celestia were to ever be incapacitated or unavailable.

The panic attack and then succeeding shout fest from the furious alicorn had done nothing good for his hearing.

Together they then went to the throne room to orchestrate the search effort with the senior officers. Cadence had taken her place on the dais, but refused to sit on Celestia's throne with Shining staying near her protectively like a hawk.

"Have we heard anything from Ponyville yet?" Cadence's sweet voice usually soothed him but with Celestia's disappearance nothing could calm his nerves.

Shining shook his head in frustration as came back to Cadence from talking to some guards that returned with a negative report on the princess's whereabouts.

"No, not yet. I've sent a team of four pegasi to check in with the squad that took Twilight there earlier today. They should be back any moment though."

He sat back down next to Cadence, waiting patiently for the next report with the rest of the EUP Officers. Shining then looked over hopefully to the team that was finishing investigating the magical residue they had found here in the throne room.

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