Chapter 13: As Twilight Falls

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Canterlot Castle

Ten Minutes Until the Coronation


It was as if nothing had changed.

As Twilight walked towards the throne room, the servants and soldiers greeted her as if she were their princess, not their enemy. They bowed and greeted her as she went to confront her mother, completely oblivious to her true intentions.

Of course, she wasn't going to correct them. That might seem...treasonous, which it probably was on some level. Convincing...or forcing...her mother to end Eternal Night was going to be difficult enough without an entire legion's worth of soldiers trying to stop her. Twilight knew they were fond of her, because of Luna being her mother, but she knew where their allegiance ultimately lay, and that it was not with her.

Standing before the throne room doors, Twilight had few options, and even smaller chances of complete success.

But she had to try.

Her first and foremost priority was the survival of Equestria and the world. Then her friends' safety had to be secured. Twilight owed them that and more after what she had let them suffer. This inevitable confrontation with Luna, whether with words or magic, should buy them enough time to escape the castle and get out of Canterlot.

Twilight blamed herself; she had let it come too far. She wasn't sure what she could have done to change things, but it was useless to think on that now. Not when so much was at stake.

How did it come to this?

Suddenly, Twilight wondered what her life would have been like if her mother hadn't become Nightmare Moon and if she hadn't been banished to the moon. Would things be better? Would the Lunar Pegasi's exile have happened? Would Twilight still be...Twilight?

She would never know.

Maybe it was better that way.

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying and failing to calm her nerves. Her heart was beating in her chest as if it was trying to escape.

It was now, or never.

Pushing open the large doors, she stepped into the throne room. Unlike its tenure under Celestia, the throne room was now decorated with large amounts of solely night-oriented decorations. Banners depicting her mother's cutie-mark were what immediately caught Twilight's eyes. But next to them were purple banners depicting her own.

Side by side.

But if her mother wouldn't see reason, they would be side by side no more. Twilight could no longer be a part of this, not so long as ponies suffered and the world's survival was in jeopardy.

The dais where Celestia's throne once sat drew Twilight's attention next. In place of where the once scarlet and gold seat once sat were two silver and onyx thrones of equal height. One emblazoned with the moon, the other with stars.

Standing before the lunar throne was the cause of all of the turmoil going through Twilight.


Towering over any pony alive her mother's intimidating form demanded respect. The thick blue iron covering her served the dual purpose of royal regalia and armor. Her draconic eyes were staring into Twilight's in confusion as she walked toward her. Her muzzle, concealing her dagger-like teeth, were smiling at her presence though.

Twilight did not know how much longer that smile would last.

"Twilight?" Luna asked, clearly surprised, though her smile showed her true feelings. "What are you doing in here? You should be getting ready for our coronation." She eyed Twilight's dress, which was torn a little with a few new stains from her visitation to the dungeons. "What happened to your dress?"

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