First day of school part 2

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Maisie nearly dozed off as her homeroom teacher explained what his class was going to be about, the subject was history.

Which Maisie found to be extremely boring, even more soon then when she was being homeschooled. Maisie already missed when Sara and the others tried their best to make it seem interesting.

Just then the bell rang signalling the end of class.

Which startled Maisie slightly and she could almost feel her primal instincts try to take control for a brief moment.

Her eyes also flashed yellow for a moment.

Maisie then slinked out of the classroom after packing up her stuff. However she didn't realize a girl in her class had seen Maisie's eyes briefly flash yellow.

This girl's name was Stephanie Velvet. She had long brown hair that went down to the middle of her back and she wore a grey pair of sweatpants with a black hoodie that had two white stripes on the front and a pair of blue and white sneakers.

Stephanie followed Maisie as the girl put her stuff inside her locker after unlocking it and then closing and locking it again.

Stephanie followed Maisie until the girl went into the girls bathroom.

Maisie walked up to the sink and splashed some water up onto her face.

However when she looked up she nearly let out an audible gasp.

In the mirror. Standing in her place was her dinosaur form.

Maisie took a step back away from the mirror and she then looked down at her hands to see that both of her arms were like her dinosaur form's, vibrant blue and dark yellow scales with three fingers and sharp claws.

Maisie noticed someone entering the bathroom and her hands suddenly returned back to normal.

Maisie then walked out of the bathroom, brushing by a girl who was walking in.

Stephanie's mind was in a whirl.

Although she only caught a glimpse, she swore she saw Maisie's arms look like that of a dinosaur.

But she couldn't deal with that now, because she had to get to her next class.

Meanwhile for Maisie's next few classes she was having trouble focusing, her vision kept changing from her normal vision to everything being red.

Maisie at first shrugged it off as nothing special.

But after it kept happening multiple times and each time it was getting longer and longer.

Maisie even started to notice her body start to transform into her dinosaur form when she saw small patches of scales on her right hand

"Shit." Maisie mumbled to herself. "Not now, not now."

She then raised her left hand to ask the teacher if she could go use the bathroom.

The teacher let her go and Maisie rushed down the hallway down to the girl's bathroom. Once inside she looked at her face in the mirror above the sink.

Scales were starting to appear on her face and when Maisie opened her mouth she noticed her teeth were starting to become like her dinosaur form's.

Maisie started to feel a horrible pain in her stomach and Maisie collapsed down onto the floor as she watched her body transform before her eyes.

Maisie tried to reverse the transformation but it wouldn't work.

"Maisie?" She heard a voice ask.

Maisie looked over to see Stephanie in the door way of the bathroom.

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