First day of school part 1

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Maisie woke up to the sound of a fist banging on her bedroom door.

"Maisie! Get up!" Sara's voice hollered from the other side of the door.

"I don't want to get up." Maisie grumbled as she pulled her blanket over her head.

Her bedroom door then swung open and she heard a single pair of footsteps entering her room.

Just then her blankets were ripped away from her.

"Wake up." Sara said as she loomed over Maisie.

Maisie just glared up at Sara as she then got up and out of bed.

The two girls then walked out of Maisie's room and into the kitchen.

Were Maisie noticed McKenzie sitting at the table with a cup of coffee sitting in front of her.

"Sleep well?" Maisie asked McKenzie.

The older girl looked over at the fourteen year old with a tired expression on her face.

"Sara woke me up at like five in the morning." McKenzie grumbled as she turned back to her coffee and took a long sip of the drink.

Maisie then grabbed the box of cereal and the jug of milk along with a spoon and bowl and made herself a bowl of cereal.

Soon Claire and Owen walked out of their bedroom and Owen silently poured some coffee into a mug.

Which had "if we're talking before coffee, there better be a Tyrannosaur involved" printed on it with a picture of a cartoonish T-Rex chasing after a stick figure on it.

"Morning dad." Maisie said as she looked at her adoptive father.

Owen just grumbled something along the lines of "morning".

After eating her breakfast, Maisie got all her school supplies and then she looked at a necklace that rested on her bedside table.

The necklace was simple but on it was the tooth from Maisie's Allosaurus form.

Which had fallen out naturally after it had become loose.

Maisie put it on and looked down at the necklace as it sat on her neck area.

Maisie then put on her favourite sweater.

Which still smelled of smoke from BioSyn's sanctuary going up into flames.

No matter how hard Claire tried, she just couldn't seem to get the smell out of the hoodie.

Maisie then walked out of her room and Sara almost immediately looked over in her direction.

"Are you sure you want to wear that to school?" Sara asked her.

"The sweater?" Maisie asked.

"That and the necklace." Sara said.

"I'll be fine." Maisie said. "And besides it's my lucky tooth necklace."

Sara cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"It's just an old tooth that fell out of her mouth in dinosaur form." Marisa explained. "It's nothing special."

"Yes it is something special." Maisie squawked. "Don't you guys have something lucky?"

"No." Sara said stubbornly.

"That's a big lie." McKenzie said.

"No it's not." Sara said.

"You had a lucky bracelet back in high school." McKenzie said.

Sara just blushed lightly and hid her face while Maisie grabbed her lunch kit from the fridge and stuffed into her backpack.

Dino Jurassic Squad: Resurgence (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin