Chapter 8: Promises that are kept are the only ones I make.

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Amity groaned as her alarm clock had started to buzz. She quickly stretched out an arm to slap it, quickly silencing the ungodly sound before it had a chance to really pull her out of her dreams. The girl's eyes screwed back shut, before relaxing a bit as Amity managed to slip back into sleep. It was a particularly nice dream, but an odd one she must admit.

Dream Amity's arms wrapped carefully around Dream Luz's body, the sun drifting in through the window over them both. It was Luz's bed, of course it was. But it was big and comfy, so Amity didn't care. Besides, there were no alarm clocks to wake her up in Luz's bedroom. Just her girlfriend, sleeping soundly, as Dream Amity felt the light warm her skin, brightening the room beautifully.

It was enough to coax Dream Amity from her slumber, and start her day like she starts every day. She scooted closer to Dream Luz, whose back was turned to her, and pulled herself in the rest of the way, carefully placing a kiss on her girlfriend's back and- Woah, that felt really real. Maybe Amity was lucid dreaming? Scratch that, she definitely was, because she decided to do it again.

Luz made a small noise, which was enough for Amity to wake up proper.

Amity's eyes drifted open. That was someone in her bed. No, that skin tone. That was Luz. Luz was in her bed. Luz was asleep. In Amity's bed. And Luz was naked.

A quick glance down confirmed Amity's hunch that she was, in fact, also naked. It also was a nice wake up call to the fact that Amity had her collar on. Her collar that she had modeled for Luz yesterday. It was on her neck. Now. And she and Luz were naked. In her bed.

Amity remained frozen in place, the exact details of last night hitting the girl like a freight train. A very, very steamy and filthy freight train. Luz shuffled around, before turning over to see Amity sitting upright in bed, topless, and mouth agape. Not to mention the tight black collar that was contrasted so wonderfully against the girl's pale skin.

"Good morning," Luz said, catching Amity's attention.

"G...Good morning," Amity said quietly, a smile creeping onto her face.

"God you're pretty when you smile," Luz said, sitting up, "How'd you sleep?"

"I...I slept pretty well, how about you...?"

"I slept great ," Luz said.

Amity blushed a bit, preparing to turn and hide her face for a moment. But she was just a tad too slow, giving Luz just enough time to take her by the chin, turn her head, and plant a very welcome kiss onto her lips.

"I guess last night tired us both out..."

Luz laughed a bit, pecking Amity on the cheek, "No shit, Amity. God, the way you screamed-"

"Shuuuuush!" Amity whined, trying to get up, only to realize her hips were apparently jello. As were her legs. Very sore, very wobbly jello.

Luz smirked as the realization of why Amity was struggling to stand upright settled in.

"Okay," Amity admitted, "Maybe tired us out is an understatement."

"Uh, yeah!" Luz giggled, pulling Amity close and planting another kiss on her neck.

The gesture made Amity whine again, but Luz was merciful, letting them both fall back with Amity's head resting on her chest.

"So..." Amity said after a beat, "What does...What does this make us...?"

"Well," Luz trailed off, "I think it's pretty obvious but..."

Amity cocked an eyebrow, "But?"

"But the decision is up to you."

Amity blinked, and let her head fall back onto Luz's chest. They sat in only mildly uncomfortable silence, thinking over the events of last night and everything that led up to where they are now. About how they felt about that. About how they feel right now. About what it was like waking up with each other like that.

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