Chapter 4: Playing games and taking names.

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The rock blasted from Amity's phone, but she was already up. After an awesome (not weird like her siblings insisted) "getting ready for the day" montage of sorts, Amity for the first time in the last week or so felt refreshed. She had some kick to her today, and she had finally slept well, something that hadn't actually occurred since the whole trying to decipher the motive of Luz thing began. Yesterday had brought a lot of stress off the girl's shoulders, and she very diligently attended her first few classes with a smile that beamed in the light.

She decided to catch up with Willow, Boscha and Gus, doing her best to explain what had happened and make it not sound like she had gone totally senile.

"It was...It was seriously nice. I guess even Luz can have a softer side. "

Boscha grinned, taking a sip of her coffee, "That's awesome! I'm glad something good came out of that girl."

Willow and Gus looked perturbed.

"...What?" Amity asked, looking at them after they had stayed especially quiet.

"Well, I think it's pretty obvious," Gus said.

"The beach wasn't the trap. It was the bait, " Willow said, just a tad more dramatically than she needed to.

Boscha giggled, "You can't be serious, can you?"

"Think about it! Amity has never had her guard down this much!"

Amity scoffed, "I'm right here you know."

Willow nodded with Gus, adding, "Amity is always so on edge and tense that Luz decided that to get the best reaction with her would be to get her guard down and then pounce!"

"Right here! Hello!" Amity sighed.

Boscha set her drink down, standing up and putting her arm over Amity's shoulders.

"Ok, I mean, I expect some mean shit from Noceda," she said, "But I don't think that she's that low of a person! Those kinds of people only exist in poorly written fanfiction. This is real life."

Amity grew an unnaturally cocky grin- Too much time spent around Luz, "Yeah!"

As if on cue, Luz had waved Amity over from across the yard. Amity's smile grew, and she made her way over while her friends looked on. While Amity and Luz spoke, Boscha took a moment to observe.

"See? Look at that! They're talking! And it isn't like they're trying to spit poison into the others mouth!" Boscha said.

Willow and Gus held their tongues for the time being, mentally scratching their chins as they watched. Their conversation seemed to be going pretty well, they were even laughing, smiles and all.

They all saw it. Amity didn't. But her friends didn't quite see it coming in time.

"Seriously, they saved my life," Amity laughed. Her grin couldn't be wiped, her heart felt all tingly and she felt like she might actually be starting to see a side of Luz she had never seen before. And it felt special.

"No need to thank me, Blight," Luz said, her grin turning into a smirk, "my pleasure! "

Amity yelped as Luz shoved her, and she only just managed to get her arms behind her quick enough to stop her head from hitting the sidewalk. As the pain settled in, she looked down, and saw Luz high fiving one of her friends. Snorting, laughing at her, pointing. Amity's heart fell down into her gut.

"Christ, you're still a loser, Blight! I thought I was teaching you better!"

Amity was left speechless, her mind was racing too much for her to think about any sort of retort. Her friends quickly ran to help her up, each glaring at Luz. Boscha was the one to chew her out first.

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