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Release date Oct. 14th

He grabbed my wrist and squeezed it. "Face the facts, Athena"

"We don't even know if this is true." I said pulling my wrist free.

He picked up the paper and threw it at me. "Don't be naive, it's the truth. This just goes to show that the perfect family was never perfect."

The perfect family was never perfect and Roman knew that. He wanted to protect Athena from the ugly truth of what their parents went through, but he can't. As he starts to dig deeper into his family history he learns a lot about his family. He learns about why his father married his mother. He thinks that he can handle the truth but as he dives deeper he realizes he can't and he starts to question who he is and everything he has been told. This journey that he is taking is one that he must take alone, but Athena won't let that happen. She is the daughter of a mafia leader, and she wouldn't stand by and be weak. She was going to stand by her brother and find out the dark truth with him. Can they handle the secrets that they find or will they walk away and leave the Vintalli family for good? This is the last book of the Tainted IV Series.

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