Kinec the Midget

18 0 0

(Slightly taller then than the picture in this story)
Kinec takes a deep breath before holding out the white candles, offering to trade the glowing spirit for a spell. She hopes silently that she gets a resize potion since the last one made her so unbelievably short. The potions are random, and sadly for her, Permanent until another one is used. Spirit trading is also random, you never know what spells they will gift you. So Kinec crosses her fingers as the spirit takes the candles but gives a glowing spell instead. Kinec sighs quietly in defeat.
She bows her head respectfully before turning and leaving.

"It's fine," she thinks to herself, "I can go on a candle run and trade again. Besides, glowing spells are very useful... I've been needing to gather some any-"

And then she sees Dyres, her friend, trying to shoo off a moth. Usually, she'd happily go over and help him, accepting the moth's friendship candle even though she already has a lot of friends. But now she freezes as she thinks: Oh no, he's going to tease the light out of me. She quickly looks around for a place to hide. oh gosh- why of all times do I not have my bucket on me? I can't just run over to the closet and grab it, he'll see me- Wait... wait wait I have a bucket spell! She quickly summons and uses the spell, a white glow surrounds her before her harp is transformed into a bucket, or more accurately known as a pipe. Her friends had decided when she first got it that it looks like a bucket and the name stuck.

Kinec quietly sneaks behind Dyres, places the bucket around her when she's close, and calls out:

"Dyres! do you have any resize potions!?"

"Pft, no, why? Resize potions are useless, and..." he pauses as he turns around, "what are you doing in your bucket?" He kicks the pipe and the sound echoes inside it.

"Well. . . Uh
You know how I like being tall?" Kinec starts slowly, fiddling her hands together.

"Yes...? What's the point?"

"I tried using one to make myself taller than you, and. . ."
She Hops up and grabs the side of the bucket, peeking her head out. Normally she could stand with her head poking out of the top, and now she had to pull herself up just to peer up at her tall friend
"It didn't work"

Dyres blinks a few times then wheezes as he realizes how short she got
He kneels beside the bucket so his face is level with hers.
"Who's a little Kinec, hm? Who's a little Kinec?"

"S- shut up! It's not that bad-" she jumps out of the bucket, angrily facing him.

"oh my-, YOU'RE LEGS! THEY'RE SO SMALL!" he bends over from how hard he's laughing.

"Well, at least I'm not a chibi!" she defends. And it's true, she's at least a few inches taller than them and that thought did make her feel better when she first used the size potion.

"Pft, you are now!" he smiles

"N-no! I'm taller than them-"

" like, an inch. Now you're REALLY Krilli food!" he laughs again

Kinec makes a frustrated noise at his remark
"Well fine then, I'm going to get another resize potion by myself!" she turns and storms off towards the portals.

"Girl, watch it make you smaller!" he shouts as he gets up and runs after her.

"That's why I'm getting another one, I have one already but if it makes me shorter I need a backup" she stops in front of the Isle of Dawn portal, soft purple light swirling in the stone archway.

"And what if that makes you even SHORTER?" Dyres asks, looking over her at the portal.

"Oh come on, only the chibi mask can make you that short. So if I do get shorter, then the second has no choice but to make me taller. . . I think"
She turns around and looks up at him.
"So Uhm. . . Are you coming too" she asks hesitantly.

He sighs loudly, "Yeah, I'm coming along as well-- what kind of guy would I be to let a baby fend for itself?"

Kinec ignores his comment
"Ok then, but if you keep making short jokes I'm gonna use a size potion on you" she walks into the portal, vanishing in the purple swirls.

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say, dwarf"

Dyres follows in after her

~this was originally a comic doodle I made in class last year. After I told my friend about the resize potion mishap I had she immediately laughed and said her OC, Dyres, would make fun of her all the time for it. That gave me an idea to make a small comic doodle which turned into this little writing practice I did.
I'm honesty excited to see what else me and my sky friends can come up with!
Oh, and Kinec is not short anymore

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