Theirs / Pt1 (Makoto + Sauske) Free!!

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Note: This is an Omegaverse polyramous relationship... again, don't like, don't read!

[3rd POV]

Vampires had taken over the world.

It happened a very long time ago. At first, it was identified as a global pandemic, that continued to spread like a wild fire across countries so fast, that even governments found it difficult to control it, to contain it.

The symptoms were all the same. Thirst for blood, paleness, alertness, feel the need to prey upon something, preferably humans. They developed abnormal canine teeth that could easily slice through human flesh like butter.

They were physically faster than normal human beings. Much stronger, too. Easily overpowering the strongest fighters. Moreover, they have a better night vision, and they could hear the tiniest sounds from a mile away.

Nobody knew where they had came from, or if they might have been humans before they transformed into those predator-like creatures. Or maybe they were just hiding, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make their move against humanity.

And then vampires decided enough was enough. They were on the top of the food chain, that they were predators, that they were way stronger and so much better than humans. So they ended up eradicating seventy percent of the human population, and taking over their lands.

It was brutal. Savage. Barbaric. You can call it whatever, but you cannot change the fact that they were bloodthirsty. Bloodshed was everywhere. Dead bodies in every corner. The stench of death hung in the air. It was normal to them. They were monsters, sucking humans dry of their blood until they died, then cast them aside like rubbish.

But then they decided that there was no fun in letting them just die out like that, which could lead them to extinction. So, they enslaved them, took their blood, breeded them. Consent never mattered. They simply didn't care. They saw what they wanted and took it by force.

They separated the Alphas and Omegas. Vampires forced human Alphas to fight for their lives as a sport -which vampires found so entertaining- where as they forcefully bred -more like raped- the Omegas and leeched off on their blood.

The poor Omegas, who were forced to birth more vampires, usually ended up dying due to blood loss and malnourishment. And when their numbers had decreased, they mixed a bunch of human Alphas and Omegas to procreate, to birth more humans of both genders, only for the same cycle to be repeated all over again.

The remaining thirty percent of the human population, who managed to flee the vampires' cruel clutches, had gone into hiding. They were scared for their lives, literally. They kept a low profile, build hidden shelters and hideouts, so they won't be discovered, and end up being enslaved, or killed. This had went on for generations.

Enter [Y/N].

A simple human Omega, who was born into the surviving thirty percent. Nothing really special about him. He never knew the outside world. It was ingrained in his brain since he was young, that vampires would definitely find him if he went outside, and he would end up getting enslaved, raped, or worse, killed.

But [Y/N] was also born with a love to explore. He wanted to see the outside world. He wanted to live his life to the fullest, and actually enjoy it. It was impossible, however, not with the threat of vampires finding out his kind's whereabouts, hanging over his head.

So he made sure not to get caught.

At first, he just memorised the exits of the human hideout, examining the area, making sure to avoid the installed security cameras all over the property. He memorised their blind spots, too, as well as the patrol timings.

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