Chapter 9 - But We've Got To Do Something!

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"The storms and hurricanes are getting worse. Small nations are suffering the most and need help. If we don't make real progress soon, there will be no way to get them the money they need to cover their loss and damage!"

Galileo shook his hair, "Is that what this is about? Money?!"

"Partly, yes. As I mentioned before, the IPCC is going to regulate the global carbon budget. We need one-hundred-billion dollars to finance the first funding—"

Galileo's eyes bulged, "One-hundred-billion?! Did I hear you correctly?"

"Yes, one-hundred-billion. Then, when it is funded, the poor countries can apply for loss and damage."

"And who is going to supply this one-hundred-billion dollars?"

"Well, the rich countries of course." "Why?"

"Because they are the ones who are emitting the most carbon."

"But you said they could offset their carbon? So they are no longer liable, correct?"

"Uh...yeah. But still, the smaller countries really need the money. So they can sue the bigger western countries, because basically global warming is all their fault."

"Let me get this straight: the bigger western countries, who are required to supply the one-hundred-billion dollars, and who are offsetting their carbon, are in essence paying into this fund so that other countries can sue them?!"

"Uh, yes, but it's—"

"—You've all gone mad!"

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