He is playing the All Of Me piano cover by John Legend, his slender fingers sliding smoothly across the natural notes, sharps, and flats pressing delicately with affection. The music plays softly and I watch in fascination.

"How's it?" He asks as the chorus fades to silence. I nod still mesmerized, he looks unreal when he plays, don't blame me. "No, tell me. I am gonna play this tomorrow, was it good?"

"Good, No!". I tease but his smile falters. " It was awesome ". His eyes light up and yes it was incredible. " Will you sing?" I inquire, shaking his head he takes another sip from the mug which wouldn't be hot anymore, but who cares.

"There will be a vocalist from a band, some performers might come to the event, not sure though. And Mister I am not a singer, you might like my voice but that's all".

" Well, it's their fault for missing such a melodious voice". He is flabbergasted at the quick reply but smiles nonetheless,  I have just stated the facts.

" Did you take part in something other than musicals?"I implore again, that there was a list of activities, tagged on hallways denoting musicals, theater, and movies produced and directed by the Arts campus. Painting exhibition and many others.

"Hmm, I also took part in a drama, it was spontaneous though, the one who was supposed to play the role had an injury and they selected me. I am not sure, I think I will mess it up". He leans on the music stand uncertain, presumably about the role. " It's about a love story, but not the typical ones".

"And what are you, a prince?" I ask and he nods In affirmation. He resembles a prince with blond hair and an aesthetic persona.

"But you know, I think you would adapt to the character more, you would be a prince with beauty and a strong body, only if you work on your acting skills".

" Am I not a good actor?" baffled I ask, losing my prince title because of my acting skills. He partakes in a set of giggles. "You and acting. With an exclamation mark, not a simple sentence, Kook. You are an open book, if someone pays close attention your expressions are a telltale ", I grumble in response.

" But without that, you are a prince, your eyes...." He doesn't resume and I get restless to know, what about my eyes? Tell me, I whisper and tug his hands, I want to know what he thinks about me. Does he dissects my broken pieces and disregard them like others? "They shine.." Still dissatisfied I urge him to continue.

"Back in Daegu I used to go to the farm with Grandma and Grandpa, sometimes it got late and we spend some time laying on the grass, the fresh breeze tempting in the summer heat,  staring at the sky it was hypnotizing and I love stargazing, the sky was always clear, the constellations fascinating, I didn't want to go home those nights, and sometimes after the rain, I could smell the daisies and roses from the gardens nearby. Laying there, I never felt sad". His hands that we were holding the mug were now holding me, my jaws being held softly in his hands, his skin isn't calloused like mine rather soft and warm. The touch is calm and it unravels throughout my whole being.

"When I came here, to Seoul, everything here came off as artificial and blank. But then I met you, In an empty park, with your starry doe eyes, staring at me suspiciously and uncertain, Your eyes, they always reminisce me of home, it's not just stars but I can see galaxies in them, calm and loving, and especially when you smile, when you talk about things you love, about childhood memories in Busan and U.S, late story nights, your passion for art,  they sparkle. Has anyone told you before, they brighten up like galaxies".

His chapped lips whisper as a secret and I listen, never to forget. How could I ever forget this,
I feel the rush of warmth traveling in my skin it tingles where he touched, I remind him of home. The scent of lavender candles was not enough to calm me down, I wanted his hands to hold me for eternity, he smiles and I love it when he smiles, I smile back involuntarily. I remind him of home.

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