Hpnosis? Really?

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I am sick of all these people. Huh! Why can't they let me live peacefully? On one hand is that immature, overdramatic, kid like man Karthi and on the very other is the over intelligence, too formal 'old aged' young man Vishal. I just don't know how to deal with these two and I have yet so many problems there in front of me.

When yesterday Vishal brought that ape like inspector with him, Bhavika had called me and she said that anna was behaving weird since we left them. He hasn't spoken a word and is doing as he is said to as if a puppet. He doesn't even eat properly. She sounded so worried, I finally thought that I must meet them. I am a psychiatrist after all; I would treat him now, he needs help and I will do that.

But there were other things to clear. There was no call from the Roys, yes I wanted to know about them but still, I was worried for Sameer, specially after the condition in which I last saw him. I wished I could go and meet him but then again my brain would stop me. Still, I knew my priorities, next day I went to clinic as usual except for something unusual. Of course! Karthi, he also came with me to see how people with unstable mind behave. Well, I wanted to admit that they behave not very different from the way he does. As I couldn't say this; so I  had to admit him to my clinic.

He sat there outside the waiting area chatting with the patients. After all I couldn't let him hinder the privacy of my patients. When I was talking to the patients, I could hear laughs and giggles from outside. It was good that he atleast could do something he was good at, but then I heard a crashing from outside and as I went that - to my absolute sorrow there was a man standing with my favourite vase in his hand, half broken.

On the other side was Karthi staring in horror. At first I thought he was hit but soon I understood that he wasn't hurt as there on the wall I could see the marks of the crash. The man's name was Manish, he was a maniac and his anger was beyond control, he was staring hard at Karthi. I understood that the super smart Karthi must have done something idiotic, but it's not his fault as well. Creating problems is deeply rooted in his personality since his childhood.

I couldn't lose time; so I went running near to them and asked Manish, "What happened Manish ji, why are you so angry? Remember my trick to control your anger? Yes? ..... inhale...... deep.....yes .........try thinking of something pleasant ..... yes ..... cool .... okay......... Are you fine now?"

"Yes; I am good. Wow doctor! I got control over my anger so easily. Thank you."

Huh! finally he looked normal. Meanwhile, Karthi was hiding behind me initialy chanting Hanuman Chalisa and then pleaded to me, "Save me Aasha....... I will give all my property to you...... just save me from this devil.... please...."

"Hey; drama queen oh sorry...... king... okay....., he is already calm and he won't harm you. Now, just stop this kiddish behaviour."

"You're calling this kiddish? Had I not dodged on time, this vase would have hit me and killed me."

"Don't worry man; God also needs peace; he won't call you so early to increase his troubles."

"Yes...... wait..... what do you mean?..... Aasha! It's not funny ......... y... you.."

"Now don't make those faces and sit down. Have some water. But why did Manish get so angry upon you?" I said taking him to my personal cabin and giving him some water.

"I don't have any idea. I was just talking to everyone, not even adressing him and he suddenly stood up shouting 'shut up' and broke the vase."

"That vase!" I said sadly.

"You're thinking of the vase? Your childhood buddy was about to die! I can't believe it!"

"Come on, this had to happen. After all, he is an abnormal man who hates people who speak a lot. You should be careful in a clinic like this. God knows, when someone will stab you playfully. Then God will have to take you, though unwillingly." I said pissing him off. I don't know why but I just love irritating him. Everytime his face turns red with anger, I get a satisfaction deep in my heart.

"You are the cruellest friend ever in this world!"

I couldn't help laughing. Within no time the day ended. As we were locking the clinic I felt that someone was watching us. This was the second time I felt so. I asked Karthi if he also felt the same and he nodded in agreement. We went to the other side of the road, trying to find out, but there were so many people and vehicles on the road that we couldn't find anyone. From there we went to anna's house though Karthi was unwilling.

I rung the bell and Shanti opened the door, she looked terrified and literally hugged me saying; "please save us from sahib, didi..... please!"

I consoled her and we went in. Anna had gone to the office and Bhavika was reading the newspaper but had the same look on her fair and well defined face. Her beautiful peacock like eyes filled with tears as she saw me and came running towards me, hugging me so tightly that I couldn't even breathe.
She said, "This is not Charan..... no he is not.... or he has got a spell on him.... please cure him Aasha.... please!" And she broke down. Karthi approached to calm her down but when I glanced at his face, I could see his eyes full of tears but trying to control them from flowing out.

He spoke with a weak yet confident smile, "Don't worry bhabhi shree, we will cure that old man."
She also responded with a faint smile.

Nearly two minutes later, the doorbell rang, probably anna was home. It took a little while for Shanti to open the door, this itself made him so angry that he shouted at her, warning her that he would throw her out of the house.
When he saw us, he got more frustrated and asked, "Why are you two here again?"

"You know, I had the slightest interest in landing here but your beloved sister wanted to meet you so we had to come. But I had come to meet my dear bhabhi shree."

"O God Karthi! Please shut your mouth, you escaped death in the morning but I highly doubt if I can save you from this one." I said into Karthi's ears as anna glared at him.

Bhavika and Shanti were right, anna looked devilish, he was certainly not the man we knew and there arouse a doubt in my mind. Within one hour, I understood that this was not just a doubt; this was reality!
Anna was there but his brain and actions were being controlled by someone else. Anna was hypnotized.

This was the moment of action, I cannot let anna be under the control of someone, I decided, one hypnosis will break the other.

When anna went away to sleep, shouting at all of us for nearly everything and Shanti was finishing up the last dishes in the kitchen, I asked Karthi and Bhavika to talk to me in the lawn. I told them my conclusions and said, "Now there's only one way out. I'll have to hypnotize anna and get him out of this danger."

Karthi replied in a satire mixed tone, "Hyposis? Really?"

"Yes, I am not lying."

"You're not, I know but I think you are wrong, who would hypnotize anna and why?"

"Yes?" Bhavika was puzzled.

"You guys know, I am an psychiatrist and I can see that anna is not using his own brain before doing anything, he is rather working like a robot. I know he is hypnotized and I also know how to break it."

"Okay; but how are we going to do this. He won't listen to us in the first place and secondly he is asleep now."

"Idiot! We won't do it today, we will reqire two-three strong men to overpower him so we will do it tomorrow."

"Why do you need two-three 'strong' men when I am already there?" He said showing off his biceps.

"Oh really! I saw your strength in the morning itself when you were hiding behind me and crying- 'save me! save me!'"

"Please don't say this Aasha." said Bhavika smiling, while she tried to console him.

"By the way, where are the papers?"

"Which papers?"

"Your property papers; you said no, that if I save you from Manish, you will give your property to me."

"Well, I will, but practically, I have no property, so there is no use."

"I always knew you were useless." I said as we all laughed out loud.

So tomorrow's program was finallised and I was ready for the worst and hoping for the best.

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