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I nearly fainted hearing to Vishal's words. Karthi looked at me all confused but he understood that something was wrong so he ran towards the kitchen and brought some water for me. Vishal was still on the call. He might also have panicked. "Hey, are you still there?" this was Vishal.
"Ye....yes, is Bhavika okay? Where are you both? Haven't you called him? No hint? Have you called all his colleagues and friends? And relatives?" I just showered all these questions upon Vishal, just trying to understand everything at once. Meanwhile Karthi spoke breaking the chain of my questions,"will you stop asking him so many questions. Calm down now. Calm down."

I just wondered what was happening all of a sudden, already I had no less things to worry and now this. Vishal replied,"Yes doctor you were the last one called, we called him thousands of times, initially he didn't pick up and now his phone is switched off."

"But when did all this happen?"
"Yesterday itself after we left, someone called anna and he went outside to attend the call but didn't return; when Bhavika went out to look for him he was not there. She immediately checked the entire locality and finding him nowhere called me. We thought he might be with you but....... but you don't worry, we'll find him soon. He is not a kid might have gone out for something urgent, might be some emergency."

I knew he was worried but we couldn't do anything except for waiting because even the police would file a missing complaint after 48 hours. Putting the phone down I sat on the sofa all tired with two confused eyes looking at me deeply. But Karthi could not hold for too long, when he saw that I was calmer he spoke, "If you are back into yourself may I please know what is all this happening, who was this guy and who is missing, why are you so worried? Please tell me. I am losing my patience now. Hey! can you hear me?"
"Yes, yes but I don't want to drag you in this matter too, it's just too complicated."

"Look I am already into this matter now, yes I agree we haven't met for a long time, had no contact, but we're still friends, aren't we?"
"Yes, we are but you don't know it''s just that....."
"See, I won't say that I am that filmy kind of a friend ready to die for you or something, but I know I can't leave you in such a problem. And above all I can sense that this matter is interesting, and I hope you know how much I like adventures. So it's more for myself, come on tell me now!"he chuckled.

I believed in him and I always could trust him so I told him who was anna and his relation with Vishal but not of the Roys. The matter of the Roys was something he should not be knowing as it can be dangerous and I can't be selfish to drag him into such a serious matter. After listening to the entire matter he sighed.
"Let's wait for sometime if he doesn't return within 48 hours we will file missing the complaint."

"That's all we can do, but by the time I think I sould go and meet Bhavika."

"Bhavika? Who's she...... no-no, no need to tell me, she must be his wife, no, yes,.... ok. Let's go then."

"You are not coming anywhere, just stay here and relax."

"I am, and I am not a child that you can stop me, I have my own feet and I can walk."

"No Karthi! You are not!"

"I AM!"


"Yes dear! I am a grown up, more than 18 years of age so I can go wherever I want."

"You are just......just....impossible!"

"Yes, I am."

And he left the room even before I  did. Karthi was, is and will remain the most childish adult I have ever seen. I couldn't stop him from following me and we reached anna's house.

I called out for Bhavika when Vishal came out of the guest room and no sign of her. He approached us and said, "Oh doctor, you...... he is?"

"Kartik Sharma, RJ -VKP Studios."

"He's an old friend."

"Okay, please get in. Bhavika is sleeping in her room, I will send Shanti to wake her up. It was very difficult to calm her down. I just hope anna is fine."

"No, don't wake her. Let her rest, have you got any news of anna?"

"No, nothing as such. I have already told everyone that if they get to know anything of him then they must inform me but no advancement. Moreover, even a missing complaint can't be filed."

Time seemed to test us, and we were all stuck. We just waited for some miracle to happen maybe.

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