A Conversation

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A lot of time had passed so I decided to return to the clinic after all many patients were waiting there, I had no idea what to do with the Sameer Roy case so I thought of dismissing this idea of getting deeply in this case for a while. As soon as I was about to start my bike when Vishal came and asked me to drop him at the GVMC office as he had got a positive response to his resume. I agreed, there seemed to be an awkward silence, we had nothing except Amala to talk about and now even that topic was over but Vishal knew how to break this silence. He asked, "So we have already talked about me and Amala, why don't you tell me something about yourself."

"Oh, yes so let me introduce myself to you first, so I am Dr Aasha Goyel, I am basically from Hyderabad, my father is a police officer there but now here I am as a psychiatrist in front of you and I run my own clinic here. Charan anna is the only one whom I know in this city beside my land lady and my patients."

"Ok fine this was a nice introduction but I am not taking any interview of yours." We laughed slightly then he continued, "Do you live alone?"

"Yes, in a way and no as well, at my room I live alone but with my landlady and her son and daughter in law at their house. Actually, I live as a PG."

"Oh, it's great, actually its better to live in a PG than take a house at rent, you know no one wants to come exhausted from office and then prepare food for himself, that's why I also lived at a PG in Berlin."

"I totally agree, this is the exactly the same point that I thought before choosing between a rental apartment and a PG you know. So, you lived at Berlin, isn't it a great place?"

"Yes, it is, but there was a lot of chaos during this covid time you know. However, I needed not return because all sorts of measures were taken by our institute so we were all safe there. What do you think about this case I can't understand why were or are you still able to see the Roy family, isn't it really weird? I don't mean to make you feel low, I really believe in supernatural but still you know without knowing the complete story we can't jump to any such conclusion. Moreover, the connection of Amala with it really haunts me. I hope you understand."

We were both talking at the top of our voices so that we could be heard by each other. Today Vishal seemed to be in high spirits unlike yesterday, there was a huge change in him. This lifted my spirits too.

"Yes, I completely do understand, even I am confused at all this, several times I really felt that there was something fishy in the house, the atmosphere there was so lifeless and ......and....... I don't know how do I describe it. You know what was stranger there, my phone's network would not catch there but several times Ketan and his mother called me and there was no network issue, I couldn't interpret it. Oh, your stop I mean GVMC has come."

"Yes, thank you so much doctor."

"Never mind, my clinic is just a few steps ahead. Okay then see you later. Bye!"

"Bye, have a nice day ahead."

Reaching the clinic, I found that there was no one outside then I suddenly recalled that I had myself cancelled my appointments today, I got in an took a deep breath. Now I took out the appointment file and called some of my patients whom I had left yesterday. The first patient arrived at eleven and with his arrival my work started, it is really difficult to council people when you yourself are so disturbed. At nearly eight the last patient left. I really gave every patient the least time ever in my record so that I could complete all the work and keep the clinic closed for the next day as I wanted a break from all this chaos and anna also suggested the same.

After having dinner, I went to bed and was thinking what could we do when I suddenly recollected of the weird phone call that came last night but I couldn't care less about it because there was no other call or something like this. I was more concerned about what could I do of the Roys' case, should I stop handling the case or what? It was just so puzzling that I just couldn't help from feeling terrified, thus I decided not to think of it much and just sleep. I slept soundly for I woke at six even when I had set an alarm for five o' clock I just couldn't hear it.

At the breakfast table I suddenly got nostalgic of the good old days when I had no such fear as I have now, whatever the reason may be but this case had given me the confidence that I could do something. The fact that it was a case hidden from the world never bothered me but today as I have found out something really weird of this Roy family' I am unable to breathe properly neither an I able to eat properly. Have I been meeting spirits since such a long time? These absurd thoughts ran around in my mind all the time also as I was sitting in my room; but what could I do about it, is it not just wasting time but then obviously- Who doesn't like adventures in life, I also do and my heart was forcing me to search for the 'truth' that had so many faces that I couldn't distinguish between them.

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