Chapter Fifty Four: Love Me Forever Part 2

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Marcelle's POV
"Tradition! Tradition! Tradition!" My father announced on his way in.

"You look daper. Trying to steal all the attention?"

"Me? No!" He chuckled. "I naturally command attention." He cupped my face. "How are you feeling?"

"Calm." I answered with a fleeting smile.

He let me go to lean on the dresser. "You are the least expressive child I have fathered. You don't wear your emotions on your sleeve. I remember after I got my first heart attack, all your siblings were crying. Your mom was trying her best to keep it together. But you... you had a different look in your eyes. You were not scared. You were not  sad. You told me "dad, it's okay. I got it." At that moment, I wasn't sure that you would manage but you stepped up. You grew up. You filled my shoes effortlessly. You kept the family together. I owe you for that. I don't think there's anything I can give you to say thank you."

"Your commendation is enough."

"You are truly a man of few words. I think I talk more than you do. Before I run my mouth all day, this is for you." He popped open the brown leather box he came with. There's a gold watch sitting in there. He has given me a gold watch every time I have gotten married. "Careful buddy. I won't be around for the fourth one."

"Thank you dad. There's no fourth one. Mom holds the record for most marriages."

"She's the heavyweight." He sighed. "I love you kid."

I smiled at him. "I love you dad."

"See you out there. If you fall on your face, I promise I will not restrain myself from laughing at you."

He definitely won't. When we were kids, we would run to mom for hugs because dad was laughing at us when we fell flat on our faces. He has a sick and dark sense of humour.

I turned the back of the watch.

"The apple of my eye." I read the words with a smile on my face. In other words, his favorite. I secured it around my wrist. It's perfect.

"Good to go?" Ethan walked in. He immediately reached for my bowtie, trying to straighten it. He told the boys no bachelor party. He stood his ground too. He's not big on the party scene. "It's perfect enough."

"I have fixed it five times."

"Third time is a charm." He winked at me. He must mean this marriage. "It's time. Is there anyone you need to talk to, anything you need done?"

"Is Reli here?"

"Yeah. Marianna won't let his hand go." He chuckled. "She told Nate she had grabbed herself a king."

"She will probably marry him too." She threw a fit when dad didn't ship Ella and Reli. She would have probably asked for a royal position and a crown if they would have gotten married. Thank goodness that didn't happen. She would have asked to rule Chea Niva too and probably move there.

"They seem to be getting along. It's photography galore between them downstairs. Reli is indulging her."


"Happy to be free of her for the day."

Mom complains dad is cling. She says the lack of work to do and the older he gets is making him clingy. Everywhere she goes he must come and even when he hasn't seen her for a second,he starts to call her name like his life depends on it. Maybe nonna is clingy too. But her problem is that she bullies nonno who likes to be left alone.


"Got them. Both." He showed me. "I couldn't trust Marcella with your ring. She can never find her phone even when she's holding it."

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