Chapter Two: Locked Doors

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Vittoria's POV
"It is okay to not follow me all the time." I looked over my shoulder at Damian. "You must have things to do."

"You ate my only assignment Signorina. You pay my bills."

I slowed down. "Then walk beside me." He caught up. "I miss Italy. Do you miss Italy?"

"Honestly, no. I like it here."


"Because there's a roof above my head that is not leaking and it's paid for. I don't have to buy food. I can save all my money. Life is easier here. Why don't you like it? The penthouse is twenty times the size of your little house."

"It's not material for me. I miss the slow life in Naples. Our little neighborhood, where we all knew each other and life was simple... I miss that. Here people are not so honest. I have many fake friends in college who like me because I am dating a billionaire. I miss me without him."

"Don't say that."

"I care for Marcelle but I also wish he wasn't ... rich. I wish he wasn't who he is. I wish he didn't have children so that I can have all his attention. We live simply. But he's not simple."

"But you know you can only wish."

"Si!" I laughed.

I have decided to go to Sydney, Australia. There's a performance by the ballet I was invited to join. My instructors insist that I should go see it.

I didn't intend to study dance. I was meeting Sherry for the first time at her engagement. Marcelle made the introduction and she told me she's coming to New York and we can be friends. She invited me to see where she will go to college. I liked it and we both signed up for dance classes. She said it would be fun. While she ended up dropping them I happened to enjoy it. When I told Marcelle about it, he paid for a whole year and encouraged me to go. I learn fast. I'm doing well. I occasionally dance for him. He said he will buy me a pole. I'm not sure for what.

We got back to the penthouse after walking for a while. I like walking but the chauffeur drives along in case I decide I want to board the car.


"Si Signorina?"

"My phone is off." I showed him the dark screen. I have to tell the truth so I switch it off first. "Can I borrow yours? I want to do something." He offered me his phone. "Can you please change the light bulb in the pantry? It's not working anymore."

I flicked it on and off many times repeatedly until the bulb went poof! I did not want to lie.

"Yes of course." He opened a utility closet and got a new bulb. As soon as he walked in and tried the light, it did not come on. "Signorina, is there a ladder-"

I slammed the door shut and turned the lock.

"Signorina! Vittoria! This is not funny!" He tried to open. I left the key on the kitchen counter. I went to the bedroom and took my bag. I'm going to Sydney. Damian will tell Marcelle and he already forbid me from going. I'm not dancing, I have been invited to watch.

My instructor believes I have potential I should not waste.

The bath tub is already overflowing.

"Scusi Signors." I greeted the guards outside. They won't let me leave alone. "My bathroom... There is big big problem with water! Per favore, is no working. Come see? Work for two. Damian needs help."

They followed me to the master bedroom. When they went in to check on their boss I closed and locked the door.

"Dio! Mi dispiace! Please forgive me. I mean no harm. Per favore, you forgive me." I pleaded with them before I left in a hurry.

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