Chapter Four: Succumbing

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Vittoria's POV
I still can't believe Damian is gone.

It wasn't my intention to out him in a difficult position. I feel horrible about this. I'm thinking if pleading with Rocco. Marcelle says he has nothing to do with it. He does not hire them, Rocco does and Rocco fires them too. I ruined a man's life.

He is smoking a cigarette outside on the rooftop garden. Marcelle only stats at the best of places. I can see the whole of Sydney from up here.

The new bodyguards are in toe. They are not left behind and they don't even smile at me. I miss those silly moments Damian and I used to have over nothing.

I glanced back at Marcelle. He's on a phone call. I think it's work. He says we can go out after this. I hope he takes me to Rome to see the opera. I have really disappointed him.

"Signor Lombardi." His eyes widened suddenly and then they narrowed. I think I have started him. He disposed of the cigarette. "Can I speak to you?"

"Go ahead."

"It's about Damian. I tricked him and I locked him up. I did that. It's not his fault. Also the other two. I did that."


"Can he please have his job back?'

"Why would I reward incompetence?" He asked me with a very serious face. Rocco can be funny and he can laugh a lot but when he's serious he is scary.

"Because it was not him-"

"He was tricked and overpowered by you. He could have assigned any of the other two the responsibility to change the lightbulb. His job description is simple. Keep an eye on the godfather's girlfriend. Not change bulbs. Incompetence. Failure to stick to an assigned duty is incompetence. Incompetence is not needed here. Is there's anything else I can do for you signorina?"

I sighed deeply. I pushed my hair away but the wind kept throwing it back on my face.

"Marcelle says you decide not him. So if I have too..." I fell on my knees in front of him.  I pressed my palms together. "Per favore... Signor Lombardi, per favore... give him his job back. I promise this won't happen again."

"Minus the kneeling thing this conversation is familiar. Remember when you showed up in New York after Marcelle told you not to? Remember what you said when I wanted to relieve Damian of his duties? You promised me that such defiance won't happen again."


"Get up signorina. I'm not God. Don't kneel before me. Get up!" I got up quickly. Marcelle is looking in our direction. "Damian isn't coming back. Unless you convince the godfather to overrule my decision, he's not coming back. Now I don't wish to be repetitive. Be on your way."

I left him.

How can one moment have led to all this? If only I would have asked or told him I'm coming to Sydney. Why did I have to lock Damina up?

"Marcelle." I can't stop the tears falling from my eyes. A mixture of regret and disappointment in myself. He pulled me into his arms. He let me cry my eyes out. He is very quiet,not a word since he told me "decisions, consequences". I imagine he's not happy with me but it means a lot that he still comforts me. I found comfort in his arms until I stopped crying. When I pulled away I looked into his eyes. They are a derp blue void. What is he feeling?

"Are you angry with me?"

His thumb rubbed over my quivering lips. He moved in to kiss me deeply. I felt the warmth of his embrace shower me with comfort. He kissed me until we had to break away to catch our breaths.

AGAINST THE TIDE Book #2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя