Chapter Twenty Three: Precedence

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Marcelle's POV
I woke up this morning to some voicemails from Lupe, the dynamic duo and Gio. They were all about Nerina. They say she was on the roof and she wanted to jump. My heart hasn't settled since listening to each one of them. I'm taking Vee to the jet hanger and then I'll go home. I just need to go home. I haven't even told her what nearly happened with my daughter.

"I forgot." She touched my knee. She had a beautiful smile on her face but this is one smile I can't manage to return. "Thank you for the diamond necklace."

"Cool." My eyes are fixed on the road. My foot isn't at all easy on the gas.

"Will you please slow down?" She asked me. "It's too fast, no?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it." I slowed down.

"Is something wrong?"


"Have I done something wrong?" She touched my thigh. Her warmth sipped through. It's soothing.

I drove towards the private plane and slowed down to a stop. "No it's not you Vee. My daughter got on the roof and she wanted to jump. I am stressed out, I just want to get home and fix that situation."

"That's terrible. I'm so sorry. But I hope you know it's not your fault."

"I think it is."

"She wants attention and it seems she will grab it at all costs."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Because I'm not a mother?" She looks offended. "There's nothing to understand. It's just bad behavior and she takes advantage of your concern for her. Go take care of your family. But I hope to see you soon as we have planned."

She reached over and kisses my lips. "I love you." I told her.

"I love you too. Ciao." She made her way to the plane. I waited till it took off before I drove home.

I reminded myself not to speed. I don't want to cause an accident and make a bigger mess of things. Reina has been calling me. I eased the car towards the main gate.


"I hear Nerina got on the roof! What the hell? Where were you? How could you let that happen?"

"You are the damn problem!"

"How am I the problem when you're the one raising her? She's with you all the time so how exactly am I the problem?"

"You put ideas about me into her head. You are toxic and you feed her with your toxicity. What do you expect?"

She hanged up on me.

Seconds later the roaring of a speed bike accompanied her arrival. She pulled off the helmet revealing a pair of angry green eyes. "Say that to my face Marcelle! Call me toxic to my face!"

I got out of the car slamming the door shut. She got off her bike.

"When you talk to her about me, it's always negative! Isn't it? When hasn't it been negative?"

"It's true."

"It's true that I broke our family?"

"You dished out the divorce first! You got into a relationship-"

"And you couldn't wait to screw around with your Cuban boyfriend! How long did it take? Hours after the divorce?"

Sometimes Rei can be such a bitch!

We looked away from each other. "If you were home, where you're supposed to be, she wouldn't have tried something that foolish Marcelle. If you wanted to keep the kids so badly then why the hell would you leav them unattended to be with that girl?" She questioned bitterly. "Nerina could have jumped! We would be talking funeral plans for our youngest child just because you wanted to get laid!"

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