Chapter Thirty Three: Transition

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Marcelle's POV
I remember how ugly my transition to be the godfather was. For starters, I didn't want it. I had ambitions outside the mob. A quiet existence. The perfect dream. For nobody to know I exist, essentially being invisible. It was an impractical goal. Truth be said, from the moment my father came clean about the mob, when I was 17 years old, he started expecting things from me. It was one errand after another and then I started substituting him in meetings and the workload just kept growing. I figured out he was in the mob in my early teen years. I lived with him and all I had to do was pay keen attention. I waited for him to tell me. I was happy to know I was right all along but it changed things.

After I met Italia and we became a couple, she was clear that she doesn't want to be in the mob. Bianchi, her father, has always been in the mob. His wife dies because of it and Italia couldn't take it anymore. My participation in the mob was a deal breaker for her. When I told my father, he blew up like an atomic bomb. Things even got physical between us. I stood my ground that I won't succeed him and he stood his ground that I will succeed him. Two bulls headlocked in disagreement.

Things changed.

They didn't change when she died. No. It wasn't even when I was losing my mind in the mortician's room. It wasn't at her funeral when she was out six feet under and I had to watch the memory of her getting buried. It was the next day that it hit me that she and my sons were murdered. It was on that day that my outlook in life took a 360° turn for the worst.

My father got his way. I became the godfather and an angry one at that.

I'm happy Juan is coming into this willingly but then again, I don't envy the weight that is about to sit on his shoulders.

"Seriously?" I narrowed my eyes at Rocco.

"I'm steessed. Leave me alone."

"That shit will kill you."

"It's a bullet or this." He shrigged. "Why are you retiring?" I chuckled to myself. I looked on at the harbor with a smile on my face. "Why?" He has gotten closer to me without the cigarette. Now he smells like mints.

"I want to retire."

"You want me to babysit."

"Juan is a grown up. You two will get along... great." I cringed over the last part. My best friend raised an eyebrow at me. "What?"

"Why can't Reli babysit? You keep giving me the short end of the stick."

Rocco has had issues ever since Reli and I got closer. He doesn't understand that I value both of them the same way. I love them both. Reli doesn't seem to mind Rocco's presence in my life but Rocco minds his presence. He feels I'm replacing him.

I draped my arm over his shoulder. "Don't throw a bitch fit. It's not cute."

He chuckled. "I'm going to strangle your kid and when that happens you need to forgive me."

"I know Juan is... Juan but you'll find middle ground."

"Let him know he can have the title but I am in charge."

"I believe you will assert yourself."

"Do you two want to get a room?" Rocco turned slowly with a scowl on his face. He looked at me and got another cigarette out of his pocket.

He moved aside.

"You're late." I noted without turning.

He came to stand beside me. "Traffic." We looked at each other at the same time. I can't believe I have a 19 year old son. I just can't. It's the same way I can't believe my other 19 year old son made me a grandfather. I also cannot believe I'm marrying a 25 year old girl. Juan looks good. Rei and I did a good job with these kids. I don't know what my kids with Vee will look like but I love this bunch that I have. "Dad?"

AGAINST THE TIDE Book #2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें