Chapter Twenty Seven: Rehab

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Marcelle's POV
"Good heavens! What are you doing here? How did you get in here?"

"Through the door. You need a new lock." The housekeeper is seated in a chair in the corner of the living room. Rocco is keeping her company. "Sit down Vicar, let's talk."

"You realize that this is my house!"

"Of course it is! No one is disputing that."

"Then you can't just come in here and tell me what to do!"

I frowned at him. "Rocco, can you please tell this boy to watch the bass in his voice when he's speaking to me?"

"Tone it down buddy."

"W-what is this about?"

"That's more like it." I smiled at him. "Sit down Vicar." He took a seat looking at Rocco timidly. "This about Vittoria."

"I swear! I only looked. A thought or two crossed my mind but I did not do anything. I swear it! I did not touch her."

I wonder how he will feel once he finds out that Vee is his half sister. It's not my business to tell him. That should come from their mother.

"The audacity is appalling really. If you can cross that line are you really a trustworthy business partner?"

"I am. I am good for my word. That thing with Vittoria was a mistake. I apologize."

"Do you know what a ripple effect is? If I walk, I take Ethan with me. He's one of your biggest clients. If Ethan leaves, how many follow him?"

"Please, I swear that nothing happened. My intentions were not clean but nothing happened. I won't have ven entertain such thoughts anymore."

"You're going to write a check."

"What for?"

"For a save the bunnies foundation. Or chickens. I don't care. You'll write a check worth half a million."

"That's a lot of money."

"It is."

"Help me understand what it's for!"

"Watch the bass buddy." Rocco reminded him.

"Hmm... Rocco?"

"Si signor?"

"What would El call this kind of compensation? What is it for?"

"Emotional trauma."

"Aha! That's the word! It's for Vee. You will compensate her for your ill thoughts. Are you waiting for pigs to fly? Write one already!"

He got his check book out of his bag. He wrote one and quickly signed it. With reluctant trembling hands he brought it to me.

"Give it to Rocco." I instructed him.

Rocco gladly received it.

"Are we good?" He asked me.

"For now, yes. Try to hit on my girl again and I will drag you through the mud. I will leave you with ashes and rubble. Do you understand me?"


"Good talk. Your house reminds me of a shoe box." I gestured Rocco to follow and we left.

"Where to next?" He caught up with me.

"We are going to rehab. Mayb they can get you to stop smoking."

"I'm down to one cigarette a day! Isn't that progress?"

"Just quit."

Vienna's POV
"Just one phone call! Please! One! It's my daughter. I have to call her!"

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