Chapter 6

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Raven707 : Good morning, lil foxy

Foxy444 : G'morning... I wanna sleep more

Raven707 : Ofc you do lol ..want me to come there and personally wake you up?

Foxy444 : I'm awake! I'm wide awake!!

Raven707 : lol see you in class, naru

Foxy444 : seeya

Naruto put his phone away and sighed. He felt that this was somehow bad for his heart. After all, Sasuke really did make heart beat faster than it should be beating.

Sasuke on the other hand loved the sensation of raising heartbeat, and couldn't wait to see his adorable blonde's blushing face as soon as possible.

They both left home at around the same time and promptly ran into each other on the way to school.

Sasuke couldn't have been happier.

Naruto's heart immediately jumped in joy, skipping a beat at the sight of the raven smiling so sweetly at him.

'I think I'm getting diabetes'

Naruto thought to himself and blushed at his own embarrassingly silly and sappy thoughts.

They walked to school with a rather comfortable silence, occasionally meeting eyes with each other when sneaking glances at the other.

Sasuke smiled happily every time they met eyes.

And Naruto felt embarrassed by the second to be caught staring at him dispite trying to be sneaky.

And of course he was easily caught, how could he not be when Sasuke too was staring quite a bit at him.

They were both very clearly interested in the other. But seemingly holding back on confessing their feelings officially. Even though it was so easy to jokingly text 'I love you's, it wasn't that easy to seriously tell the other that they really are actually in love with them.

They held back on texting during class hours that day, but didn't stop sneaking glances at the other and occasionally meeting eyes.

Anyone who noticed it, would surely end up thinking that they're a lovely dovey couple but really, in actuality they were yet to even talk things through about their feelings for the other.

It might take a while longer was what they expected but life is never predictable, it never was and never will be.

Something they least expected was about ready to happen.

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