Chapter 3

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On the way to the classroom after the entrance ceremony, one fidgeting -extremely nervous- blonde collides with one poker faced stoic looking -inwardly hella nervous- raven.

They meet eyes for only a brief moment before quickly apologizing to each other for the accidental collision and making their way into the same classroom.

They were only a few seats apart from each other.

Soon after settling down, almost at the same time, they took out their phones and began texting.

Raven707 : In class yet?

Foxy444 : Yup! Just got in! I was just thinking of texting you too but you beat me to it lol.. Are you in class too?

Raven707 : Yeah- Oh, the homeroom teacher just came in

Foxy444 : Ohhh!! Same here! He's wearing a black mask, wonder if he's sick... ( º _ º )

Raven707 : ...does he have bleached sliver hair..?

Foxy444 : Woahhh How'd you guess that?!! Lol

Raven707 : I think we're in the same class...

Foxy444 : For real..?

Raven707 : Konoha highschool, class 1-C

Foxy444 : Shit we're in the same class

Raven707 : Do you happen to be blonde, lil foxy..?

Foxy444 : Did you bump into someone before getting inside the class..?

Raven707 : I bumped into a beautiful blonde haired beauty

Foxy444 : Oh you freakin'-0dhdhifvbdgjh

Foxy444 : We're literally in the same class how the hell do you intend to face me after spouting such embarrassing shit you ass!!!

Raven707 : LMAO you look adorable right about now

Foxy444 : Don't look at me!!!

Raven707 : Why aren't you looking back at me..?

Foxy444 : Here I am, asking you to stop looking at me, and yet why do you want me to look at you now?!!

Raven707 : LMAO

Foxy444 : Dude, I can hear you giggling even though you're two seats away from me, the teacher's looking your way, stop it...

Raven707 : Shit text you later love

Foxy444 : freakyou

After barely getting away without being caught texting during class hours on their first day of highschool, they both eagerly yet nervously awaited break time to finally try to face each other in real life.

Both with a single bashful thought running through their minds-

'he's so much more good looking than expected...'

Though very nervous, they were neither disillusioned nor anxious to face the other, and yet felt strangely restless and shy, enough to finally start questioning their own sexuality.

They might as well admit for good that they really were head over heels for the other, but that could wait for now.

Right now, they only just waited for break time, whilst sneaking a few curious glances at eachother.

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