𝟎𝟎𝟖 Geryon

Start from the beginning

"Hey! I wanted that chocolate!" Griffin screeched.

"You can have it after," Rory compromised stepping up to V. "Is something in there?" Rory questioned.

V called Griffin back and he started to move toward the archway. "I'm not sure," V admitted. Rory followed after him, as V lead the way. Once V reached the corner he gasped in surprise and hid behind the wall, using the cane to pull Rory close and hide her behind the wall as well.

Rory looked down at the cane that pressed her to the wall and looked up at V. "What-?" V held his finger to his lips, signaling for Rory to stay quiet, his breath coming out in shallow pants. He took the cane back silently.

Carefully they peeked around the corner. A giant demon bird stood upon a pile of rubble, a three-headed demon mounted on top. "Malphas," Rory mumbled sliding back behind the wall. V looked at Rory, waiting for her to keep talking. Rory leaned against the wall, feeling the strength start to leave her body. "She attacked a coven not far from mine, the markings on her body, the spirals, they're runes. They weaken a witch's power to the point their powers become unusable when around her. That's why I couldn't sense her. If I get to close, I'm weaker than a human."

V looked back out at Malphas his eyes moving to the demon on a horse she was speaking to. "Search for the devil sword Sparda. You know where it is... He told me to leave it be, but I'm afraid it still concerns me," Malpas ordered the other demon. "As long as there is a blood descendant of Sparda... I can not take any chances. Do you understand?! Find it, and destroy it! Only then will his reign be truly realized!" Malphas opened a portal stepping through and disappearing.

Rory gasped slightly, her strength returning. V eyed Rory as she stood properly and weaved a light around her fingers. "Put your crown on, this might get messy," V ordered stepping out of the archway. V harshly stabbed the cane against the floor, a sharp tinging sound ringing out and catching the demon's attention. The horse turned around, and demonic hisses and huffs echoed around.

Rory summoned the crown to her hand putting it on and her clothes changing to her armor. The knight that sat on the horse shot his demonic spear out, cracking purple lightning hitting the floor.

V tilted his head slightly, noticing something Rory didn't. "I see, I know what you are," V recognized. V tossed his cane up, gripping it lower on the body and tapping it against his hand. "I'll be gentle." V gripping the handle again, pointing the end at the knight.

Griffin and Shadow bounded at the demon horse, landing swipes and shots. "Try and draw the knight's attention, we'll handle the horse," V ordered. 

Rory flew into the air sending out a flurry of shots at the knight's armor. The knight spun shooting an electric current at Rory. Rory shielded herself pushing back against the power. Rory shot it against the floor and sent the broken concrete at the horse and knight. The horse stumbled slightly but the knight was unaffected and swung out Griffin and Shadow. "Weak, powerless creatures," The knight growled.

Griffin chuckled deeply sending out lines of lighting at the horse. "So? You got a comeback for that?" Griffin taunted. The horse slammed its hooves into the floor and charge at V. V rolled out of the way and the horse slammed against the wall. Rory pulled one of the cars from the roots grasp and it slammed against the knight.

"One thought fills immensity..." V read from his book.

"This is not the time for poetry!" Griffin yelled. "Wait, what does that even mean!?"

"Where there's a will, there's a way... Now let's go!" V ordered. Electric shots flung out at V but Rory managed to derail them all. Rory landed next to V, sending them back at the horse. The horse wailed and sucked in a breath, shooting out an ice-blue power that slowed time around them. 

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