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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

Ⅷ 𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏

20 minutes later

A LOUD RUMBLE ECHOED THEOUGH THE AIR AND THE GROUND SHOOK SLIGHTLY. Rory set herself down, her powers picking up on the rumble of an engine was Nico. Rory crouched in front of V and gently took the cane from under V's chin, tapping his other shoulder. "Hey, V," Rory called. V hummed opening his eyes enough to see her. "Nico's just about here." Rory stood back up letting V take his cane back.

V reached up, tapping it against the metal of the booth stirring Shadow awake. Rory held her hand out and V gripped it pulling himself up. "Nice nap?" Rory teased.

"For sleeping on the concrete floor, yes actually," V hummed, resting his back against the booth, Shadow hopping down next to her. The floor rumbled and V perked up.

"It's just Nico," Rory explained.

"What-?" The floor cracked and Nico's van burst through the floor, bouncing slightly when it landed on its tires. V looked at Rory, expecting an answer.

"The van has a protection spell on it," Rory explained waving at Nico. "I wasn't sending her out there completely defenseless." Rory rolled the van door open, hopping inside V following and standing behind her. "Hey, Nics."

"Hey Sugar, what do ya need?" Nico questioned looking over her shoulder.

"I'm raiding your fridge," Rory called, opening the small mini fridge on the counter. "Oh thank god," Rory mumbled pulling out the two bottles of iced coffee.

"Do you actually like that?" V questioned reaching over Rory's shoulder and taking the coffee from her grasp, spinning it between his fingers.

"There's a chocolate milk if you want that instead," Rory spoke, slightly teasingly, holding it up for V. V took the chocolate milk between his fingers and dropped the coffee in Rory's hands.

"Grab the chocolate bars as well," V instructed and stepped out of the van. Rory slid the coffee back into the fridge and Nico pushed herself to stand.

"What was that?" Nico questioned rushing up to Rory as V stepped away.

"What was what?" Rory questioned taking two small chocolate bars. Nico chuckled and rolled her eyes. Rory turned and spotted the girl on the couch. "Is that lady?" Rory questioned looking at the girl covered in blankets. Nico hummed softly. "Be safe," Rory called jumping from the van and slamming the door closed.

Rory furrowed her eyebrows slightly but turned to face V. "What's with the squinty face?" Griffin questioned landing on Rory's shoulder.

"Nothing," Rory mumbled. V tossed his empty drink into a nearby bin, Shadow circling around them her gaze trained on the opening archway. Rory dematerialized the food and drinks watching Shadow disappear back into V.

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