Chapter 5

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The forest sings, through the rustle of leaves, to the birds, to the insects. The air itself is pure and by God, I needed this. I needed salvation.

I have two holy hunting knives, one gun with blessed bullets – designed to render Demons unconscious or dead depending on the hit. My plan was simple, as soon as I had this beast down, I'd carve his heart out so he stood no chance of recovery.

God was our protector, but he also made warriors to fight off the monsters sent to corrupt us.

All my research on Lycans led me to a few conclusions. Those demons had souls which were supercharged and influenced by Lucifer's magic, they were like his 'angels' but hell-born wolfmen. The souls they held were magnetic, that is how they were able to hijack, possess or manipulate the vulnerable. Their scent was welcoming and especially alluring to females. As far as I could tell, Zarphire's pure demon potency made him impossible to crack, to manipulate onto our side.

Although he was a prisoner – and now a fugitive, I had my mind geared toward ending his cursed soul. There was no alternative. I would not capture him. I would end him.

I was the bait.

I was alone, female and vulnerable... well... I had my own teeth.

Also – if the rumours were true, I had... argh... I had... copulated with the demon.

I shiver with disgust as I look over my small camp in thick coverage. Twilight was settling in and soon it would be dark.

I wear hunting gear, gloves, boots and I keep my gun in hand at all times.

Now...? Now I had to wait.

An hour into dark, I wander around my campsite, searching for movement of predators.

All my senses were quiet, my instincts calm.

But nothing.

I was antsy. I didn't want to wait all night when I could call the beast to me. It was risky but it would guarantee the outcome I desired.

I trudge back to my camp and bring out a black baking dish I brought with me.

I fill it with water, and I create a reflection.

I hold my gun out of view, as I stare into the water's surface.

"Zarphire," I whisper, trying to keep the anger out of my tone, but not really succeeding, "Here I am. Come get me."

I see my intruder, in the form of my double reflection, as she stands behind my shoulder, looking at me.

I glance at her briefly but she says nothing.

I feel the ground hum with a low vibration – a demonic presence nearby silences all insects. I quickly tip the dish over, spilling the water as I jump too quickly to my feet.

"ZARPHIRE!" I scream his name as I stand up and I raise my gun, spinning in circles, looking for the beast!

My eyes scan, and as I turn, I feel more humming in the soil, through my boots – thumping of the beast.

The vibrations cease as I turn to my left and in the distance, I finally see the demon.

The 10ft Lycan is watching me just outside a patch of moonlight, through the trees, maybe a hundred feet from my location. His blue sapphire eyes swirl with magic, his grey fur moves with the wind, which travels toward me. He is fucking giant even from this distance and I try unsuccessfully to steady my heart.

I aim my gun and I shoot for his head.

The bullet flies through the air and knicks his ear. I see by the way his ear twitches back and then his whole shape vanishes as he moves quickly into the shadows.

Lycan Soulmates #5: Wolf Fangs [18+]Where stories live. Discover now