Royal Rumble 2018

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After the match between the Usos vs Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin for the SDLive Tag Team Championships, it was time for the Royal Rumble Match for the men. The match goes on with a surprising entrant being the Hurricane who hasn't been seen in WWE in years. Though he was quickly eliminated by John Cena.

Soon, Number 25 is coming in as the crowd was chanting the countdown.

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Michael: Oh My God!

Corey: What the Hell?!

The Superstars stopped fighting as they were spoked by the sudden lightning strikes. The arena went dark once more as the stage began to go static. We then get another shot of the cemetery from earlier and a new message came.

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Soon, a mist came out as a finger comes out of the stage and makes its way to the ring. Upon further viewing of the new participant, the crowd went insane.

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