The Jupiter Power Move

Start from the beginning

Felicia:(coms) Helix, Lisa, how's the gravity?

Yn:(coms) A good massage.

Lisa:(coms) I-Its... Bearable...

Mick:(coms) You can take. I believe in you!

Yn:(coms) Do as you all wish. I'll be putting an end to these third rates hopes.

Lisa:(coms) Yn... It isn't nice to be mean.

Yn:(coms) It's the truth.

With his star pack spinning, and the probes firing their thrust, Yn managed to speed off to the center of the arena.

Lisa:... You're the one who told me it doesn't matter if it's the truth...

(Opening theme)

Flying across the battlefield, Yn arrived at the center and watch how most of the Gears approached.


Neon aims his rifle and fires a powerful blast that obliterates multiple Gear's.


Spinning around, Neon smacked a Gear with his Beam blade. Shooting a blast of plasma that went through the Gear and struck others behind it, Yn dashed forward, to avoid A Gear with a Heavy axe.



Shooting them down, Neon launched four probes to provide suppressive fire.

Yn:(Broadcast) Should I have piloted a construction Gear instead?

Finding a team using actual tactics, consisting of shooting him from afar, while the most nimble Gear in this intense gravity went to attack.

Sadly, it wasn't effective.

The probes created an anti-beam shield that blocked the support.

And for the Gear in the front lines, they were met with a beam katana through the chest, disabling it.

Yn:(broadcast) I'm honestly curious! Is my Gear truly that powerful or are your skills simply so pitiful!?

Angel and Fenix arrived flying, capable of performing combat in the air despite the gravity.

Mira:(coms) He's mine.

Mira:(coms) Nexer, I'll prove to everyone that I'm superior to you.

Yn:(coms) Are you that desperate to leave a mark in the universe?

Angel flew towards Neon, who took aim and fired. Mira dodged without an issue.

With a beam katana in hand, she clashed blades with Neon.

Mira:(coms) Where do you get off, flaunting yourself as if you were invincible?

Yn:(coms) "As if"? Hmph. I would expect a fan of mine to understand.

Mira:(coms) I'm not your fan!

Yn:(coms)(Smirks) But you were...

Yn:(coms) I read the fan mail you sent...


Yn:(Broadcasting) "Dear Mister Nexer..."

Mira:(coms) Don't you dare...!

Neon walked backward as Angel wildly swung at her parrying enemy.

Yn:(Broadcasting) "You, inspire me."


Yn:(Broadcasting) "I would give anything to be a pilot like you. Your daring adventures are fantastic."

Yn:(Broadcasting) "If I could ask a favor. And you don't have to. Could you please reply, it would mean the world to me?"

Yn:(Broadcasting) With regards to yours truly, Mira Von Trudian."

Angel and Neon locked blades and gazes.

Yn:(Broadcasting) Adorable.

Mira:(coms) That was then.

Yn:(coms) And what is now?

Mira:(coms) A triumph!

Angel barrel rolled aside, using her plasma wing to cut off Neon's left arm.

Mira:(mind) I was a fan because you proved to me the impossible was achievable.

Mira:(mind) When you disappeared, the hope you gave me shattered.

Mira:(mind) It was a miracle that I managed to push myself to get this far.

Mira:(mind) Now-

Yn:(coms) You'll fall from grace.


Angel lost altitude, and Mira did not understand why until she saw the probes generating a force field over her wing exhausts.


Yn:(coms) Mira, you truly have potential...

Neon holds his rifle in Angel's face.

Yn:(coms) But your flawed logic, and desire to be the best before your time is up...

Yn:(coms) Is why you'll never be anything but second fiddle to me.


Angel's head was crushed by.


Jen:(Broadcasting) Times's up.

Yn: Heh... No challenge whatsoever...

(Beep, beep)

Yn: Time to leave.


Neon walked away as the Neo Gear, Lucifx, arrived.

Neon walked away as the Neo Gear, Lucifx, arrived

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Lucifx looks down at Angel before turning around and firing at several Gears, destroying them, and raising the body count.

Lucifx: Heh... Hahaha! I understand that their Gears are on more of a budget.

Lucifx: But the disappointment is still immense!

Lucifx:(looks at Angel) You. A life will be lost if you don't advocate my demands.

Lucifx: I'll allow humanity's stupidity to continue for one more planet!

Lucifx: Then... Not even Nexer will be able to stop me from creating a world where AI may walk freely!

Neon continues to walk away.

Mick:(coms) Helix!

Felicia:(coms) Why are you facing your back towards him?

Lisa:(coms) Yn...

Yn:(coms) I stand no chance with Neon in this state.

Yn:(coms) He's leaving either way.

As predicted, Lucifx left.

Yn:(coms) It seems Mars is the early finale.

Yn:(smirks) What a shame...

To be continued....

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