Amoung the Daises~ Sunki

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"Look at all the daises!" The twelve year old Sunoo gasped when he saw the huge daisy field.

"See I told you!" The 10 year old Riki said proudly.

"Thanks for bringing me here" Sunoo said smiling uncontrollably.

"Your welcome. I knew you would like it and thankfully it's not far from my house" Riki said and grabbed Sunoos hand.

"Come with me. I have a better spot for you" Riki said and ran with Sunoo.

"Where are we going?" Sunoo asked.

"To the place where you can see the most daisies" Riki said. Sunoo immediately shut up.

Sunoo always liked daisy's and he didn't really know why. There was just something about them

Sunoo and Riki met a long time ago and they have been super close. They live close to each other but they never went to Rikis house.

So today Riki thought that he would take him best friend to his house since behind his house is a daisy field.

Riki took Sunoo to the middle of the field. It was do beautiful. Like a white blanket covering a bed.

Sunoo sat in a clear spot he has never smiled so much. Riki soon sat beside him.

Riki put a daisy behind Sunoos ear and smiled.

"So pretty" Riki commented making Sunoo get shy.

"Hey! Don't make me blush" Sunoo pouted putting his palms to him cheeks.

Suddenly Riki got really quiet and was fidgeting with his fingers. Sunoo noticed and held Rikis hand.

"What's wrong?" Sunoo asked.

"We will always stay together right?" Riki asked. Sunoos expression softened.

"Of course! What is a friend if they aren't with you forever?" Sunoo asked and Riki nodded.

The mood was still tense so Sunoo got an idea to make it lighter again.

"Hey! Your 10 years old. Why are you so worried about losing me?" Sunoo asked nudging Riki.

Finally Riki smiled.

"I don't know. I've never had a friend like you and I'm not ready to lose you. Even if I am only 10" Riki admitted.

"Well you have nothing to worry about" Sunoo reassured. "We have our whole life. No one's taking me away"

•6 years later•

Sunoo and Riki are now older but are still very close. The two begged their parents to let them go to the same highschool.

For the last couple of days Sunoo hasn't been at school. The first day or two Riki didn't think much of it. But it's been a week and Riki hasn't seen him at home either.

When Riki got home he was very nervous. He didn't know where Sunoo was. He finally decided to call him.

"Hello" Sunoo said in a tired voice.

"Sunoo! Where are you? What have you been doing?" Riki asked. Slightly panicked but also happy that he is talking to Sunoo.

"I'm at home. I just haven't been feeling tht good" Sunoo answered in the same sleepy voice.

"I've been so worried" Riki admitted.

"Sorry about that. Hey Riki can you.... Can you take me to the daisy field again?" Sunoo asked.

"Yeah anything you want I'll come get you" Riki said and walked over to Sunoos.

Sunoo looked visibly sick. But now bad. He just looked pale and seemed tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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