Ch. 22: Repairing and Repurposing

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Eda gasped at him, shocked by him being ALIVE when Luz clearly stated that he was dead. Or at least she thought he was dead....

"Y-You're alive?" Eda asked.

"It's a long story, one we can get to later." He said, "Where's my daughter."

Eda knew that wasn't a question.

"She's.....She's gone. Odalia took her while I was taking Amity home to Lilith." Eda said as she looked down. "Luz is still in a healing and repair cycle, so she won't even know what they're doing to her."

"Golden Guard, gather the Blight children and Lilith, tell them to meet me here." He said, before turning back to Eda, "How much stuff from the Human Realm do you have?"

"Why?" Eda asked him.

"Because it just might help us save Luz. Now tell me!" Nathan demanded.

"Come in and I'll show you where I keep that junk."

Nathan rushed in and pushed past Eda, not carrying if he was rude. He needed to save Luz NOW or else that bastard Alador and his bitch wife will destroy his daughter's mind! He found the room and began looking through stuff, eventually finding an old damaged computer, in need of repairs before it would even turn on.

"This will do." He said.

"How?" Eda asked, "Luz told me that it wouldn't turn on in that state."

"I worked for the US Government, if I can't repair a simple laptop, then I don't deserve to be one of the smartest people alive." He said.

He took the computer and left the room, sitting in the den and working on it with the tools Eda had in the house.

"And you're sure this could help us find Luz?" Eda asked.

"Luz is practically a computer, so if I can get this working, I can find her signal." Nathan said.

"Again, I don't understand this-"

"It's like scrolls and crystal balls." Nathan said to her.

"Oh, now I get it." Eda said with a nod.

"If I can just get this working." Nathan said.

"How long will that take."

"A few days." Nathan said, "I don't have the correct parts for it here, so I have to work with the stuff you have in this world."

"We can't wait that long!" Eda said.

"And it will take longer if we go looking of her!"

"But they could be messing with her head! Turning her into some mindless robot like their abomitons!" Eda shouted at him.

"I know that! That's why I'm here and why I need the right parts but I don't have them!" Nathan shouts back, ceasing his work for a moment. "So unless you can get them for me, we are FORCED to wait!"

Nathen turned back to the computer and went to work.

'I... I failed Camila. I didn't keep her safe.' He thought, 'I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise.'

He began to cry before he wiped his tears away and continued, he didn't have the luxury to cry now.

"Just... go to the Human Realm, find anything that could be electronic." He said.

Eda nodded.


"There's a safe in my old home... I need you to grab something from it. The code is 05-15-06."

"A safe combination?" Eda questioned.

"Just do it." Nathan said before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a photo. "Here's what the house looks like, go."

Eda opened the portal and went through, just as the Golden came back with Lilith and her non-adoptive children.

"Tell me it isn't true!" Amity shouted, looking around for Eda or King for answers!

"It is, Odalia took my daughter." Nathan said as Amity fell to her knees and began crying again.

Lilith stepped forward.

"Nathan... I... I'm sorry."

"...It's not your fault, it's mine." Nathan said as he continued working. "Everyday, since I was brought back to life, I wondered if I should've returned and explained everything. Even if they would have believe me or not. If I had just been there like a father should've, none of this would've happened."

"Do you really believe that?" Lilith asked, "Do you really think that you were a bad father? You're doing everything possible to get your daughter back, the second you learned about her being taken, you came here... a bad parent wouldn't have done that."

"But I still could've reached out, somehow." He said.

"And you can rectify what you've done in the past, with what you do now." Lilith said, "I have a feeling that Luz will need you after we help her."

"She'll need all of us." King said as he walked into the room with bandages wrapped around his head.

Nathan nodded.

"Does Luz have any friends? We may need as much help as possible."

"Well, she has me and Eda. There's also the Blights there." King said as he points to Amity, Edric, and Emira. "She told us she didn't have friends in the human world because they didn't like how smart she was."

"Well... I think she said something about knowing Willow." Amity said.

"Good to know, having her here can help as well. Call her." Nathan said.

"Maybe she'll know more of Luz's friends she might have." Amity said, pulling out her scroll and leaving the room.

'And maybe she can help if we need plan an attack.' Amity thought.

As they did that, the Blights were working on Luz.

After studying her thoroughly and placing her pieces back, Alador was working on a special program to install into her system while she was still in the repair/healing cycle. With it, it will override her mind and block her memories. She'll think she's just another robot, meant to do nothing but follow his and Odalia's orders.

Though her nanobots would try to fight it, they would be held off by a fire wall.

"And done. We now have full control over her." Alador said.

"Excellent and once it's fully repaired, we can begin production on more." Odalia said, "You will be our greatest weapon."

'No! No!' The nanobots said, unable to stop this due to still repairing the damage to Luz.

Nothing they could do would stop this.

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