Ch. 12: Prison Break

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Eda got on her staff with Luz and King to fly to a rather evil looking, fairy tale like tower surrounded by a large wall.

"Luz, I believe this is a prison of sorts." The nanobots said to Luz.

'Yeah, but remember that this place has very strict laws. Who knows how many political prisoners are in here.' Luz thought.

"Luz, welcome to the Conformatorium, a place where criminals, wild witches, and weirdos are sent because they don't fit into society's mold." Eda said, gesturing to the tower.

"What do you mean by that? The last two?" Luz asked.

"Oh, we'll Wild Witches are people that don't believe in the coven system, which limits your magic to just one type unless you join a certain one. And weirdos is self explanatory, people that are just weird and society doesn't want to deal with them." Eda said before gesturing to herself and King. "King and I fall into those categories mostly."

'They fit people into prison for not fitting in?' Luz thought, 'I hate this place, it's just like home.'

Before and after she got her nanobots, Luz was an outcast because of her weirdness. It made her so sad sometimes that the only friends she had were tiny and inside her body.

"So what's the plan?" Luz asked Eda.

"Simple, I float you and King up to that window to get to the vault room while I cause a distraction." Eda said as she pointed to a high window.

"Alright but I can handle getting up their myself." Luz said as she gazed at the window. "Intimate battle mode."

"Understood, Luz." The nanobots said, changing Luz's arms and legs became metallic, her eyes become black with gold irises.

"Oh, not bad Scrap Metal." Eda said.

"So cool! Like a knight of doom!" King shouted as he jumped into Luz's shoulder! "Fly, my knight! Fly us to my crown!.....You can fly, right?"

"Yes, I can." Luz said with a smirk. "Watch my shoulders and calves."

Eda and King watched as Luz rolled up her sleeves, revealing her metallic shoulders that opened to reveal energy thrusters. Her calves also popped up tubes to reveal thrusters too. Luz bent her knees as energy built up and she took off flying up to the tower window!

"WAAAAAH!" King shouted as he held on for dear life!

They went through the window and started to move around.

"Hey, Metal Head, how'd you get out of your cell?" A female prisoner with dark hair and purple dress said.

"Well, I didn't exactly escape since I was never a prisoner to begin with. I'm just here to grab something." Luz said as she walked up to her cell. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you in here for?"

"Nothing criminal, if that's what you're thinking. I just write fanfiction about living food." The woman said as she pulled out a book of her fanfiction. "What's wrong with writing about what you like?"

"Nothing, we all like what we like." Luz said as she used her robotic eyes to scan and read the book. "And I like your fanfiction. It's got plot, drama, and very interesting food characters."

"You read it?" King asked in surprise before Luz pointed to her eyes.

"You liked it?" The woman asked with a smile.

"It's full of suspense and drama, I love it!" Luz said.

This made the woman smile brighter, someone actually likes her fanfiction!

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