Ch. 14: Problems With Robotics

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She exited the school, seeing a giant... robot?

"Uh, that doesn't look like it belongs here." Luz said, "Maybe... it's friendly?"

The robot looked at the school and fired a laser at it.

"Okay, maybe not."

"Would you like us to initiate battle mode. The download of magic information is complete and the algorithm to allow you to manipulate magic is complete." The nanobots said.

"Great! Activate it and give me a run down." Luz said as her eyes became black and gold while her limbs turned metallic.

"We detected a special element/chemical in the air of the boiling isles that possible allowed the residents to evolve and develop a way to use magic on their own. Using this, we have identified the magic element and have integrated it into your systems to theoretically manipulate it." The nanobots said. As of right now, we only have a few basic Plant Magic spells from Ms. Willow. The more you experience and scan, the more spells you will be capable of. Also, we have learned of something called a spell circle, which allows witches to perform spells. Your spell circle will change color, based on which Coven spell you chose."

"Alright, so I have some plant magic, let's see if this will work."

Holding her hands out, Luz's palm opened up like she was going to blast an energy blast but instead it projected a green circle of energy like how a witch draws a magic circle.

'Alright, visuals work, now let's try the magic part.'

Vines shot out from her hands and wrapped around the robot.

"I actually did magic!" Luz said.

The circle disappeared and wouldn't come back. Her uniform also returned to purple.

"Uh, guys?"

"We did say it was a work in progress." The Nanobots said, "Shall we perform command 34-A?'

"You mean the Sonic Canon?"

"Indeed." The nanobots said to her.

"Sounds like a plan! " Luz said with a smile as she put her hand together and changed them into a cannon barrel with a speaker inside, "Boom."

Luz fired a large blast at the robot, completely knocking it to the ground. Luz rushed onto the robot and headed for the chest where the core of the robot had to be. Luz grabbed the panel, using all her enhanced strength to open it. She looked and saw some weird looking device. It was purple, slimy, and there was a couple of eyes.

"Uh, I don't suppose you guys know what that is?"

"It is... some kind of power source made of magic." The Nanobots said, "But this... is weird."

"Yeah. And it seems a little advanced to be around here." Luz said as she reached inside and grabbed the core device, pulling it out of the machine. "Just who made this thing?"

Luz looked around, finding a label.

"It looks like someone is to cover their tracks." Luz said, noticing the label was completely scratched off.

Turning it back around, Luz jumped off the giant robot as the group rushed out to her and saw the giant robot!

"What is that?!" Cat asked in shock!

"And what are you holding?! It looks like an abomination in a jar!" Willow said in shock as she pointed to the core.

"An abomination? This is an abomination?" Luz asked as she pointed to the core.

"Well, it looks like one, but really... weird." Willow said, "Maybe... maybe principal Bump could give us more of an explanation, he knows a lot about magic."

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