Ch. 5: Sleeping Solution

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Soon, Luz's birthday arrived. Not surprisingly, no one showed up. Luz was never that popular with other kids, they always found her too weird to hang out, but she never let it get her down. As long as she was happy with the few people she loved, Luz was content.

"How's the birthday girl?" Nathan asked.

"The best daddy!" Luz said, smiling that her father was here to celebrate with her this year!

"Camila, can I speak with you in private for a moment?" He asked.

Camilia came over with a present for Luz, something to distract her so she could talk with her husband.

"Here you go, Luz. Happy birthday!" She said with a smile.

The two walked away and talked.

"I have a way to shut them off, albeit temporarily." He said.

"How?!" She asked him, feeling hopeful for a moment.

If this could work, Nathan would be a stop forward to getting them shut off permanently!

"I found a code in them that will deactivate them for a year. It's not long, but it should be enough to find a permanent solution."

"Then use it. Please." Camila practically begged her husband.

"It would... put her to sleep for three days." He said.

"Another comma?" Camilia asked.

"In a way, yes but it's only for 3 days. That's it, I promise." Nathan said to her.

"When she goes to sleep tonight, do it." Camila said.

Nathan nodded to her as they returned to their 8 year old daughter, seeing her play with her new Azura doll. Camila took a picture of her, almost like everything was normal.

'Hopefully, she'll be normal after tonight.' Camilia thought as they enjoyed the rest of Luz's birthday.

By the time it was Luz's bed time, both her parents were tucking her into bed with the Azura doll in her right hand and a teddy bear in her left.

"Sleep tight, Mija." Camila said.

"Goodnight, Mami. Goodnight, daddy." Luz said as she closed her eyes, falling asleep.

"Goodnight, little firefly." Nathan said as he pulled out an injection, giving Luz an injection she couldn't feel.

"And this will keep her normal?"

"For only a year but it will give me enough time to find a permanent solution. The nanobots should be in a state of slumber as well, removing them could be easy." Nathan reassured Camilia.

"Let's... let's go to bed for now." Camila said.

Nathan nodded to his wife as they left Luz's room, leaving their daughter to her three day slumber. Camila laid awake for hours, sleep was hard to come by. She couldn't help but think about Luz's... condition.

'Luz, I really hope you will be alright.' Camilia thought.

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