Ch. 13: A Friendly Delivery

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The next day, Luz was still sleeping.

"Activating Wake up Protocol." The nanobots said.

Feeling her nanobots power her up, Luz opened her eyes to wake in her room at the owl house and stretched as she got up.

"Good morning, guys. Damage report?" Luz asked.

"All damages repaired." The nanobots said to her, "Although you lost a lot of oil, so you will be very stiff today."

"Well, it's not like they have any I can drink." Luz said, "I'm just going to have to wait for you to produce more."

Getting up and stretching a bit, Luz went to the bathroom to bath for the day with her sanitation mode. It was better to do it in the bathroom since that's where all people did it.

"Alright, sanitize." Luz said.

After undressing and producing tiny robots from hatched on her skin, Luz stood in place as they began cleaning her while she hummed to herself.

"I still don't understand how water can get through my skin and rust my endo skeleton."

"Moisture penetrates all things, Luz. It is also need to help the skin look youthful and flexible, without it you skin would become brittle and flake away." The nanobots said.

"It was... more rhetorical." Luz said.

"Oh, sorry about that." The nanobots said, still not understanding rhetorical or sarcastic questions after all of these years.

"It's alright, I'm not mad at you guys." Luz said.

"Sanitization Complete."

Luz was about leave when she stopped. She looked at the reflection and reached up. She removed her face and looked at her metal skull, wire veins, nearly nothing that could prove to be human. The only things Luz had to prove she at least a bit human was her brain, protected inside of her metal skull, and her heart.

"Open the chest cavity." Luz said.

The nanobots did as she said as a line appeared on Luz's chest, making two doors that opened to reveal Luz's beating heart. Though there was wiring around it, it was all flesh and blood, thus revealing that Luz was still part human.

"I wonder when this will be replaced by metal, oil, wires." Luz said, "Cyborgs are typically half Human and half robot, I'm more of a 90/10 on robotics and human."

"We apologize if this is upsetting, Luz. We just wanted to protect you as it was your father's wish but we appear to have gone overboard." The nanobots said as they shut her chest cabinet and Luz put her face back on.

"It's fine... I know there was no way to stop it, it kept me alive, I just wonder will I ever lose the last piece of humanity I have?" Luz said as she started to reattach her face, "Hmm, I might have to iron my face, it's getting wrinkly."

Luz got it back on and got dressed before leaving. While she did, the nanobots worried about that last question. Luz couldn't lose her humanity because of them, they couldn't let her become a cold machine!

"Hey, Scrap Metal, I need your help with something." Eda said.

Luz groaned at the nickname once more before she walked over to Eda in the kitchen.

"Okay, what do you need, Eda?" Luz asked.

"I have to deliver this to a... person in Bonesborough, but I'm a little-"


"Yep, so go give it to her." Eda said, handing Luz a box, "Her name is Lilith."

"Anything I should know about her or what's in the box?" Luz asked as she looked at the box, not using X-Ray vision to see inside.

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