Chapter 13: Final Assault (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"</Fox 1-4 to Anton Actual, do you read me, over?\>," one of the Scimitars' commanders radioed Cro.

"</This is Actual to Fox 1-4; I can hear you clear and loud. Any sightings of enemy forces, over?\>," asked Cro right after he answered the Scimitar's commander.

"</Fox 1-4, we've got zero sightings of opposing forces in the vast field. I spotted two men standing at one of the observation towers. Do we have a green light to engage them?\>," the Scimitar commander said.

"</Negative, Fox 1-4. Leave that to the business of the Singaporean Primuses. Your mission is to recon on the enemy's status. If there's nothing more, regroup back with the main assault forces. Over and out\>" said Cro.

With the command given, the three Scimitars returned. 



As the reconnaissance vehicles returned, Malpaneus started to have a bad feeling.

"What... are those... three horseless metal carriages?" said Malpaneus.

Then, the ground shook strongly. At first, he thought it could be an earthquake, and that was the time he heard unearthly noises coming from the distance.

He took his telescope and took a look again, and saw more horseless carriage-looking things accompanied by countless more and were all facing the capital, all having similar or completely different designs. They were lined up in an orderly fashion and spaced apart equally.

It was the moment he realized that it was the enemy's forces.

"Oh, shoot! It's the enemy!" said Malpaneus before immediately reaching for the manacom and barking.

"</This is Corporal Malpaneus from the 17th Observation Tower. Several unidentified objects possibly siege engines have been spotted in the fields. 4 kilometres and closing. Repeat, several unidentified objects have been spotted in the fields. 4 kilometres and closing!\>"

Hearing the report, the communication officers at the Capital HQ suddenly woke up from their exhausted state. An officer headed for the manacom and answered Malpaneus.

"</This is the Capital HQ! Corporal Malpaneus, can you describe what type of siege engines the enemies use?\>" asked the officer.

"</I'm not sure. It could be...\>"

However, just before Malpaneus could finish his words, he heard some sort of scream coming from the sky, and it was getting louder as it came close.

"What the?" said Malpaneus before explosions enveloped him together with the observation tower.

However, Malpaneus wasn't the only one who got a worse fate. The four main watch towers of the front and second wall, where the rest of his friends were located, were destroyed by the Singaporean Primus.

The eruptions were powerful enough that they woke everyone who was still sleeping in the kingdom. Those who were awoken and doing their daily routines turned to panic. The sound of bells ringing around the city propagated the emergence of a threat as people began running out into the streets.

General Patagene, who was still asleep at that moment of the Primus' bombardment, awoken and rushed to the hallway while still in his sleepwear to investigate what was going on. By the time he reached a nearby window, he saw all four observation towers had been destroyed.

"What the?! What on earth is going on?!" he yelled outrageously.

It didn't take long for him to realize it was an attack.

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