Trust the family

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The discussion went on and on. Somewhen in the middle of it Bobby had retrieved a bier and was now taking a large sip, while listening to Deans rampage. The older Winchester just wanted to attack the djinns straight up front, weapons drawn without a real plan. Sighting the old hunter shook his head. He knew Dean was sometimes short sighted and hot headed but this was just laughable. He dismissed every other idea, especially these of his adoptive father. Gritting his teeth Bobby glared at the boy. He could be angry with him as much as he wanted, but risking his life and that of his family over it, he wouldn't allow that.

Grapping Dean by the collar, he pulled him to his face.
"Listen ya idjit! I know you are not happy with my relationship with Crowley and if you want to act like an asshole about it then fine, but that has nothing to do with the situation at hand. So get a grip!", he growled at Dean.
They stared at each other for a few minutes before the oldest Winchester nodded.
Letting go of the shirt, Bobby took a step back. Only to hear the boy grumble unter his breath. "Still don't like it. Bloody demons. Why the king of hell and his overgrown beast?"
The older man would have just ignored him, if not for Deans head snapping up.
"Wait a second! Where is that bloody hound?!", he asked with panic in his voice.
Now he had even Lisas and Sams attention.

While the younger hunter looked around like a fool, the older one gave two short whistles. Growley would only answer this and not come to them. They had trained some new commands the last few weeks.
A clear bark sounded trough the house and it seemed to come from upstairs.
Within a second Dean sprinted to the stairs.
Oh right... The boy was up there. Sighting Bobby ran after him. He knew the hound wouldn't hurt him, but this knucklehead sure would shoot before calculating the situation. He was expecting the worst but when he reached the door, Dean was only standing in the doorway, staring at something in the room. Looking over his boys shoulder, he tried not to laugh. There was Ben, lying on the floor, asleep, head resting on something invisible. Sometimes it seemed to breath at the kid because his hair moved a bit as to check on him. Well, apparently Growley had named himself the newcomer's protector and pillow.

Shoving the stunned Winchester out of his way he walked quietly in the room, fetched a blanked from one of the drawers and covered Ben with it. Before he left again, he petted the hound on the head, then he retrieted into the hallway and closed the door. The closing door seemed to snap his boy out of his stupor. He threw his hands into the air. "What the hell Bobby! You can't leave him alone with that monster again", he growled.

Rolling his eyes, the old hunter crossed his arms. "Watch me. You've seen what it's like in there. The little one is safe with him. I know you don't trust demons, but please trust my judgement."

They had kind of a staring contest, before the younger gave in.
Nodding in agreement, he stormed down again to the others.
He didn't like the situation one bit, neither the one with the dog nor the whole dating demons scenario, but he knew that Bobby wouldn't do anything to endanger them.
They were family after all and all they had in this crazy world.
Unlike their father, Bobby had always been there for them. He had tried to bring a little normality into their lifes, give them a place to retreat, taught them a lot and saved them more times than he could remember.
Sighting he stopped in the middle of the stairs, face crunched in disgust.
He had to give that demon a chace didn't he? If his adoptive father liked him, then he should give him the opportunity to redeem himself. But why did it have to be the King of Hell?! Getting this asshole as sort of a stepfather was like one of the worst nightmares. And he thought their family was already fucked up, seemed like it really always could get worse.

The atmosphere had settled down and they had come up with some good ideas. But they couldn't decide on the final version. Some seemed to risky and others would likely take too long to play it safe.
Lisa had excused herself sometime after Dean had come down and went shopping for dinner.
Now an hour later she had returned and was sorting the ingredients out of the bag. That was the moment when the air thickened and a sulfuric smell enfulged the room. While the boys stiffened, their hands twitching to their weapons, Bobby kept his cool and smiled when the demon appeard right behind him.
He was getting better at reading the atmosphere and determining where his boyfriend would manifest.
Turning his head upwards he is greated with a kiss.

"Hope I'm not too late for the party", the newcomer joked, before turning to the others in the room. "Hello boys! Lovely having you over, whats the occasion? Did you do something stupid and endangered everyone around you once again?"

For that he earned a kick in the ripps from Bobby, but it was too late the words were spoken.
Surprisingly, Dean was the first of the brothers to stand down and crossed his arms. Sam seemed relaxed, but his hand still hovered over the knive on his belt. His eyes were calculating the situation while neither letting his brother nor Crowley out of his sight.
"Rarely laughed so much. Can you be booked for children's parties?", the older Winchester jested with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
Of course, the comment was completely ignored.
"Oww, thats no fun. I thought when you sent me the note that they would be here, that I at least had to dodge and counter a few shots and curses. What are you working on anyway?", the demon asked and tried to steal a glimpse of the plans, which Dean covered with a swift motion.

Bobby shook his head, they didn't need an argument at the moment and he knew that the other wasn't ready yet to work with the king of hell. Not on something so important. So he did the best thing he could come up with at the moment. "Crowley dear... Could you please leave it alone for the moment? Why don't you go and help Lisa with dinner?"
His lovers face went from pouting to grinning in a matter of seconds, while Deans morphed from reliefed to shocked. But before he could protest, his fatherfigure silenced him with a hard glare. They already had the discussion with trusting his judgement, so his boy swallowed his objection.
But that didn't stop him from mentally burning holes in the back of the expensive suit as Crowley strolled towards the kitchen.

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