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Crowley had taken on his job once again, after silently suffering a few days in self-pity at his hideout. He knew he had deeper feelings for the old hunter, which he couldn't afford.

So he did what he could best, focus on his job.

He was in the middle of signing papers when he felt the sensation of a summoning. He even thought he could hear his name. But nothing else happened. Despite the missing urge to follow the command, his mind screamed that he had to go. So he did and what he saw made his blood run cold.

A vampire had grabbed Bobby by the throat and was pinning him to a support beam a few centimetres above the ground. Within seconds, the king of hell had removed the bloodsucker from the scene and decimated the number of other eager attackers. How dare them to lay hands on the hunter!

One by one, he killed them in the most brutal way, venting his rage and frustration. He was pissed off that he hadn't been there earlier, that the hunter had put himself in such a stupid position in the first place, and he was frustrated at how much his emotions were going crazy in the others presence.

Worry, fear, panic, insecurity, anger and hatred pulled at his heart, swirling like a bloody hurricane. He would have loved to continue killing anything that came in his way, because unlike his feelings, these vampires were easy to get rid of. Unfortunately, they were limited and as the last one had died he was confronted with the fact that the hunter was standing only a few feet away. He couldn't turn, couldn't look him in the eyes. If he did, he was sure that he couldn't leave him again.

So he did the thing he could best, lie and break hearts. After all he had disappointed the people around him his whole life. But this time was especially painful. To hear Bobby's voice whisper his name softly in a hopeful tune... only to dismiss him harshly. So when the words left him, he regretted them in an instant. He wanted to turn around and never leave the other mans side, but it was impossible. They were a hunter and a demon, the king of hell no less... To say goodbye was the best course of action.


To say Bobby was angry was an understatement. He was furious. Who did the demon think he was, to treat him like this?! When he gets hold of him, he would quickly bring him down of his high horse!

Without bothering about the vampire corpses, he grabbed his stuff and the still unconscious girl and got the hell out of there. The hunter only stopped one time at the local hospital to set the girl off. Even the nurses couldn't talk him into getting his wounds treated. His mind was running on rage and he was just focusing on one thing:
Getting home and summoning Crowley.

He would let this asshole rot in a devils trap until he got his answers. Bobby would understand if the king of hell wanted a bit time apart or to hold their interactions strongly professional, but disappearing and appearing without warning and half assed statements weren't his cup of tea. Either he said his problem to his face or he could fuck off forever. At the thought of never seeing the demon again his heart ached, but he wasn't some shy little girl he was a grown ass hunter. Bobby knew what he got himself into when he acknowledged his feelings for the other man. Besides, he had accepted from the beginning that it was impossible. What he couldn't stand was this uncertainness if the kiss had ruined their friendship and maybe even their work relationship. No matter how much he loved Crowley, he wouldn't risk the demon unleashing hell on earth over a personal problem and putting his boys in danger. And who was he kidding? The king of hell definitely would do something stupid like this. Sometimes he was just like a big kid with a temper tantrum and if it meant to fuck some people over then all the better!

Back in his shack he quickly collected all of the ingredients. Bobby knew them already by heart. Remembering the time he had tried to contact the king of hell for hours nearly every day. The worry he had gone through when he had gotten no answer...
Shaking his head he continued the task at hand. Only to be harshly interrupted. An invisible force pushed him to the ground and not a second later he had paws on his shoulders and a rough warm tongue licked his face. As the surprise wore off, he felt guilty. He had left the hellhound alone. It was only two days, but still...
The poor thing had nothing to do with the quarrel between Bobby and his master.
Sighing, he stroked the dog. He was now the only thing he had left of Crowley. Which was strange, because if the King of Hell didn't want to see him anymore, why should he leave his beloved pet with him?

Getting the dog to stand down, he picked the things up, which he had dropped. Now that his anger had settled he worked much slower. Was this really a good idea? Maybe Crowley had his reasons for forbidding him to contact him... His position in hell was unstable and spending time with a hunter wouldn't do any good. But this didn't explain his behaviour. Oh for fucks sake! Now he was just stalling! Bobby wasn't 100% sure this was the best course of action but better now then never.

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