Taking care of a demon

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Bobby stayed up all night looking after Crowley and doing research on the runes. One book after another piled up on his desk, but nothing seemed to fit. Looking over to the couch he saw that the hound had laid down in front of it. He wouldn't leave his master's side. Sighting deeply, he stood up and grapped a blanked on which the dog could lay more comfortably. A look at the clock told him that it was past four in the morning. The demon hadn't steered even once and his breath seemed to be even. Bobby really didn't want to leave him alone but he could use a few hours sleep. Kneeing down at the level of Growley he patted him. "Keep an eye on him, okay? If something happens, alarm me. Alright boy?"
Licking his hand and pushing it away, it looked like the hellhound signalled him that it was okay. Slowly climbing the stairs to his bedroom, the hunter hoped that this was the right decision. But thinking logically he could get up to 4 hours sleep without any problems. Growley would get him if anything was wrong.

Two days passed with research, taking care of the wounds of the unconscious demon and some hours of sleep. The injuries seemed to heal but far too slow for an infernal being. It was halfpast twelve into the third day when Crowleys condition changed. At first he thought he had imagined the movement but after a moment it occurred again. Rushing to his side he checked on him. His breath had picked up, he clenched his fist and his eyes were running wild under his eyelids. He was sweating, so the other man picked up a wet washing cloth to clean his forehead.

"Crowley! Can you hear me? Its me Bobby. You are save. Everything is alright. Can you wake up?", he spoke soothingly with the demon. He didn't know his state of mind and having seen his fairly share of wounded and frightened hunters and monsters, out of their mind after an attack, speaking and assuring them was the key.

Minutes passed, then without warning the demon shot up with a distressed scream. Panting heavily his eyes flew all over the room. He looked like a scared animal. Holding Growley down to not scare him any further, Bobby slided inside his field of vision. Crowley flinched and presses himself deeper into the back cushion.

Slowly raising his hands, not breaking eye contact, to show that he was unarmed and meant no harm. "Hey Crowley... I wont hurt you. You are save. You need to calm down..." He didn't relax but his breath was even once again. Peeling his eyes off him he gave a small nod to Growley, who slowly approaches his master. He seemed to understand the situation quite well. One point more on his list of unexcepted things. A hellhound as some sort of therapy dog. But it seemed to work. At first Crowley went stiff, fear crossing his face, but then he recognised his hound and when the dog laid his head on his lap, he petted him. All the stressed look and posture disappeared, while he was relaxing with the dog beside him. Smiling Bobby got up carefully not to startle him and grabbed a glass of water.

Sitting back in the chair the hunter positioned some time ago next to the sofa he slowly tried to hand it to the king of hell. "You should try to drink something." He eyed Bobby and the glass with distrust. Realizing that he expected to be poisoned by holy water, he spilled a bit in his hand and whistled for Growley. Without hesitation the dog licked the water from his hand and returned to his position. This seemed to convince him to accept the glass. Slowly, he took sip after sip, sometimes with his face contorted in pain.
He really hoped he hadn't any internal injuries. When he finished he handed him the glass back, eyes downcasted at his lap.
Taking it off him and putting it on the table, Bobby slided closer to him.
This time the demon didn't flinch but kept his eyes locked at his lap.
Concern was filling the hunters voice when he brought himself to speak again.
"I now you don't have a reason to trust me, but I ment what I said. You are safe here. I won't hurt you or let anyone else lay a hand on you..."

"I know...." His words were barely whispered, so quiet that Bobby nearly thought he imagined them, but when the hunter looked up and their eyes met he could see his trust.
Baffeled he blinked a few times. He hadn't assumed that the demon was comfortable with him, not after what had happened to him and the fact that he was a hunter.
Knowing this he got all warm inside. Urgh stupid feelings, that really wasn't the time.

Feeling more confident, he tried to get some information out of him.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
Once again Crowley grew regid. Bobby didn't know what came over him but he grabbed his hand for comfort. Surprisingly the demon seemed to relax at the contact. Letting his thumb draw circles on the back of his hand, he tried to soothe him. "If its to early thats okay. I can wait."
Shaking his head abruptly Crowley squeast his hand. "No... no. Its alright. I...."

Taking a deep breath the king of hell steadies himself, eyes nervously flying through the room as to assure himself that he was indeed save. One hand on Growleys head the other still hold by Bobby, he began to share his experience. With every word the hunters eyes grew wider and he suppressed the urge to curse colourfully. When Crowleys voice broke and he realised the haunted expression on his face he couldn't keep on him for any longer. Standing up abruptly, the hunter started pacing the room enraged, letting his emotions show clear as day. How dare these Bastards treat the king of hell like that?! His mind reeled with possibilities to led these people pay. Only when a hand grabbed his arm gently, he had to stop. Following the arm to Crowleys eyes he scowled.
"Could you please stop?", the demon asked, sounding tired.

Before the other could stop himself he snapped at him. "How could I?! Those pesky excuses of demons ambushed you, hurt you and sold you out to some pathetic excuses of hunters who tortured you! I swear, if I get my hands on these assholes, I'll kill them one by one, or at least send these vermin back to the hole they crawled out of."

When he heard the hound whimper, he snapped out of it. Fuck, he should have kept his cool. Hopefully he hadn't triggered his demons trauma... Sheepish Bobby glanced to him and was relieved when he saw a little smirk grace his lips.
"I'm flattered, but stop. I really don't want to confront this matter yet..." He let go of Bobbys arm and returned to stare at his lap. Sighting the hunter sat back down. "Sorry... Its just so much to take in. But I won't bring it up again till you feel better."

The hunter could feel the demons eyes on him, while he petted the oversized dog to distract himself. "Don't do anything stupid Robert" He sounded clearly worried. God, this was so unusual. He never showed this much emotion, till now he wasn't even certain that he could... being a demon and such. Without lifting his head he grumbled: "Wouldn't dare. Now rest. I still have some things to do but I come back checking later."

With that Bobby took Growley and left the house.

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