Surprise Visit (Part 2)

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The hunt went smoother than expected. It wasn't easy for Sam and Bobby to kill the rampaging god, but by the end of the week they had taken him down without much effort. It was a surprising change of luck. Only few casualties and fewer injuries. For a god their opponent had been really weak and seemed more like a child with a temper tantrum. What was it with powerful entities and their anger issues...

The younger Winchester had decided to continue his journey further north to visit some hunter friends he made during his time hunting alone, so the older hunter returned to his scrap yard alone. When he entered the house, he could already smell that someone was waiting for him, the sulfuric scent lingered in the house like a heavy parfum. Gun ready just in case, he followed the scent to the kitchen, where he promptly got tackled by Growley. This time he just about managed to catch himself, but the hellhound still managed to lick his face with its enormous size.

Completely focused on the dog, he had not paid attention to the rest of the room. That's why his heart stopped for a moment when he heard a laugh close behind him, before someone whispered in his ear with a british accent. "Looks like he missed you, darling."

The voice sent a shiver down his spine. He quickly pushed the hound away from him and turned around. Now he was almost nose to nose with Crowley. Swallowing, he eyed the man in front of him. "Looks like he wasn't the only one...", he breathed before swiftly closing the gap between them to steal a kiss. But this time the demon did not let him go so easily. He returned the kiss with determination and held him gently in place. When they broke away from each other, the hunter looked at him in astonishment.

A deep chuckle left the other man's throat. "Like I said, I won't run." With that, he gave him another peck on the lips before he broke away and disappeared in the direction of the living room. "Com'on I think we have a lot to discuss."

Well and discuss they did. They set up some ground rules for their relationship and cleared all things that could stand between them. Bobby was relieved that everything went so smooth. It was a miracle. Definitely awkward talking this much about their feelings and even weirder when he thought about the fact that Crowley was a demon, but at least they cleared the air.
From this point on their relationship blossomed. It was not easy, but they managed.

A week later on a self-proclaimed day off, they spent the whole day together. When Bobby woke up, Crowley was already making breakfast in the kitchen. Still a bit groggy from the night before (they had drunk quite much), he made his way in the kitchen.
"Morning, love", Crowley chirped when he entered. "Breakfast is nearly ready. Could you fill up Growleys bowls?"
It was much too early for being so happy, but the hunter couldn't cease the smile which plastered itself on his lips.
Giving his demon a quick kiss on the cheek and stealing a strip of ham, he did as ask.
The morning was peaceful. The weather was fantastic, so they decided to spend time outside in the little backyard.
Crowley had made it his little pet project to force some grass and a tree to grow.
It was quite a strange but nice sight. Their own little spot of green between the deserted scrap yard.

Bobby could not be happier.
Watching the king of hell play fetch with the hellhound, he laughed. It was a too normal sight for the two hellish beings. When the demon got tired of this, he materialized a small rabbit which the hound chased around the sealed area.

Straightening his suit, Crowley made his way over to him.
"What's so funny darling?", he asked grinning.
"Oh nothing... Never thought seeing Mr high and mighty play in the dirt", the hunter replied. With this the demons grin only grew.
"You know there's nothing to dirty for me, love. Quite the opposite."
By now he was standing straight above him, his hands folded behind his back and a devious smirk plastered on his face.
The hunter didn't like the feeling of being the outmatched one and rose from his seated position.
Playing innocent he leaned inside the demons personal space. "And what could that mean?"
Without waiting for an answer he leaned in and kissed the other man rough before stepping back, as if nothing happened.
Growling the king of hell fixated him.
"Careful, you playing with fire, dear Robert."

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