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Bobby was repairing a Truck at the back of the yard when he heard a car pull in the driveway. Remembering that his front door wasn't locked and that it was most likely Sam, he pulled himself up from under the Truck as fast as possible. He just didn't wanted to take the risk that the boy met Crowley before he could explain everything or worse met the demon without him. Taking the shortcut through the garage he could see the king standing on the kitchen window.

"I handle him. It should be fine", the older hunter assured him. Except that it was the demons idea, he looked quite nervous. They weren't on the best terms yet the younger Winchester was reasonable. Then Bobby remembered that it was only them the whole time and facing the world and other people, especially hunters after what happened could be quite frightening even for a demon.

Opening the door he thought about this and corrected himself. It was them and Growley... The moment he realized the factor he forgot the whole time his eyes widened. Fuck! But it was too late. The hound already ran past him to inspect the newcomer. He should have never got rid of the salt lines on the doors!

Not a second later Bobby heard loud cursing. Hasting out the door he saw Sam draw his pistol. Oh no you don't! "Don't you dare shoot the dog, ya Idjit!" he yelled across the yard and whistled. He could see the boys irritation even from where he was standing, but he lowered the gun. Joining him at his car, the hellhound returned to the older hunters side growling. "Growley out! Go inside!" he commanded him stern. Whining he backed away slowly. Sighting he ruffled his fur. "Its okay. Go!"

Now he could give Sam his full attention. Crossing his arms he scowled. "What never seen a man interact with a dog?" Blinking the youngster returned his eyes from the door, where the hound vanished to him. "DOG?!? Bobby that was a hellhound! Is everything alright?! Why is there a hellhound on your property?", he nearly screamed.

"Don't ya say?! And I was wondering why it was invisible... " he replied sarcastic. Before he could start his rant, the older interrupted him. "Shut it ya Idjit! Of course I know and I will explain in due time."

Slowly Sam nodded but his brows were still furrowed, then it seemed something downed to him. His face changed from thoughtful to recognition to panic. "WAIT! That name! That's Crowleys dog!"

So much to a slow approach. Before he could respond, he had holy water all over his face. Wiping it off with his sleeve he glared at him. "Happy? Now get your arse in the house so I can start explaining."

Together they walked to the living room and sat down. Bobby noticed that Sam never put away his weapon, he seemed quite nervous. But at least he listened. So he began to sum up the unbelievable tale that were the last month. Somewhere in the middle of his clarifications Growley joined them as if he had awaited his introduction. Sam looked uncomfortable around, but he accepted his presence quickly when the hound just laid down at his adoptive dads feet.

He hadn't interrupted him while he told him of the time he spend with the King of hell. However coming to the part of taking the hurt demon in he sprung up enraged. "You WHAT?!"

Oh bollocks... Bobby had expected this reaction but before he could defuse the situation Crowley walked in.

"Hello moose! Long time no see!", he grinned smug. As much as Bobby loved this little smile of his, at the moment he really wanted to slap it off him. He couldn't have waited some time longer?! The situation escalated within seconds. Sam pulled his gun, Growley begun to bark, Crowley just stood there with risen hands and Bobby jumped in the line of fire.

"STOP IT!" he hollered. "Sam Winchester don't you dare shoot! Put it away or I take it."

"NO! What have you done to him?!" he asked angry directed at Crowley.

"He'd done nothing! I'm not possessed or under some spell. So could we talk about it like civilised human beings?!"

"Not human, but sure. That's the plan." The demon interjected.

"Can it!"  The older hunter swore without taking his eyes of Sam. A dead silence fell over them and he held his breath. He could see the gears turn in the other hunters head. At last he took out the magazine and laid it across the coffee table. The older released his breath in relief. "Wasn't that difficult. Now sit."

Displeased, Sam let himself sink back into the chair. Bobby and the two infernal beings settled down on the couch. Briefly, he chastised Crowley with a piercing glare. Hopefully he could behave himself at least for the next few minutes. After all, it was his future that was at stake here.

It took the better part of an hour to describe everything to the younger Winchester and to answer his questions. Crowley was surprisingly quiet the whole time except for on or two interjections. Feeling the tense atmosphere mostly gone Growley even tried approaching the other hunter. Sam went stiff, panic clearly readable in his eyes, but when the hellhound only sniffed him and laid his head on his lap, he relaxed. After a short hesitation he lets his fingers run through his soft fur. Wonder fills his features. Softly Bobby smiled at the sight. Sammy always loved dogs. Glancing to the demon by his side he saw him chuckle under his breath. Bumping him with his shoulder he grinned. That went smoother than expected.

Stopping cuddling the hound Sam fixated the two men on the couch. The little interaction hadn't escaped him "Soo, is there something more going on between you two?", he asked carefully. They looked at each other and then quickly averted their gazes. Coughing awkwardly Bobby tried to maintain his dignity. "Enough with these questions! That's none of your concern, boy", he denied everything.

Now it was the younger one who had to grin. "Yeaah, sure", he chuckled but quickly goes serious again, "Just know that I'm okay with it. No matter what it is that goes on here. As long you are save and happy." Turning his face he stared the demon down. "As for you... If you hurt him in any way I will hunt you down personally."

Surprisingly Crowley nodded in agreement. This situation was just surreal. Bobby shook his head. "I really appreciate your concern boy, but I can take care of myself. And now enough of this! To say it with Dean's words: No Chick-flick moments!"

At this everybody laughed.

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