Chapter Sixteen: Place

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"Thank you, Mr. Hawke." Wild said sincerely. He had just checked out of the hotel and was leaning against the front counter.

"Thank you." Mr. Hawke said. "You, and your friends, put my daughter's killer behind bars and you found my son. I'll never be able to repay you, but, at least I can compensate you for your services." He added, handing Wild the bill for his detective work.

Wild took it from him with a smile. "Thank you. Normally I don't accept money for what I do but you'll find the reason for this exception in your tip jar."

Mr. Hawke looked at him in confusion before reaching into the jar and pulling out a check. He opened it and his eyes widened.

"This... we can't accept this."

"You already have. Trickery. And it's alright, what's money for if not to keep your friend's businesses running well for a couple of months?"

Mr. Hawke nodded and gave him a very sincere look. "I think we both owe you a great deal." He said, looking at the backroom door. Wild followed his gaze and blinked in surprise.

Wilfred stepped out of the back, along with Ms. Clemmons. She winked at Wild and took Mr. Hawke's arm.

"I think these two have a lot to discuss." She said lightly and he nodded. "I think you're right dear."

They both gave Wild a polite smile as they retreated to the back, Ms. Clemmons nudging Wilfred as she walked past.

"Hello." He said stuffily and Wild gave him a short confused nod.

Wilfred scuffed the floor with his shoe before sighing deeply and looking him in the eye again.

"I suppose I have you to thank for clearing my finance's name and... solving my sister's murder." He said in a stilted way and Wild wrinkled his nose.

"Yeah you really got caught in the eye of the storm on this one. I'm sorry it turned out like this." He said sympathetically and Wilfred blinked at him.

"I'm... sorry too. You're allowed in our hotel anytime you want. I'm not working at the Flower Inn anymore, for obvious reasons.

I've had a hard enough time with our family making it's money off the radium poisoning of young women. I'm rather done with the Flower business." He said bitterly.

"And your mother?" Wild asked.

He shrugged. "The hotel was more my father's idea. Now that he's in prison, I don't think she's too keen on running it. Hopefully if this place makes enough we can hire Parker and Lucy Smith too." He added and Wild hid a secret little grin.


"Anyway, I um. I wanted you to have this." He said, handing a very surprised Wild the swiss army knife.

"Apparently, it's Mary's. A copper found it at the cave. Since it was stabbed into my father's leg when he murdered my sister I don't exactly want it. Don't really know why they gave it to me.

Here." He said, pushing it into Wild's hand and patting it awkwardly.

"You can have it. I cleaned it off. You'd probably have much more use of it. Um." He coughed and looked off into the distance.

He sighed and met Wild's eye again.

"Thank you."

Wild grinned at him and nodded. "'Course. She was an amazing woman." He added and Wilfred nodded in agreement.

"Really I am erm, sorry." He coughed and looked away awkwardly.

Wild huffed out a laugh and pocketed the pen-knife. "Thanks. It is horrible this happened but... you were promised a bit more family. You can't get to know your sister but, you've got another father now. And in addition to that maybe a wife, one day." He added with a grin as Wilfred looked up at him in surprise.

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