Chapter Six: Healing

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They collapsed back at the hotel, Wild face-planting onto one bed while Till slumped dramatically across the other.

Jack sat in a chair, and watched them with quiet amusement.

"Ugh... I don't want to move." Wild said in a somewhat muffled voice.

"I'm not changing into pyjamas. I'm sleeping like this." Till replied.

Wild groaned and moved to sit on Till's bed, and bounced on it.

"No. You. Can't. Do. That. Wake. Up. You use the bathroom first Jack, I'll deal with this one."

"Aye." Jack stumbled into the back room as Till tried to bat Wild away.

He took a quick shower, trying to wash away the grime and stress and general horror of the day. He noticed a scrape on his hand and paid particular attention to it, wincing as he tried to get the dirt out.

He got dressed in grey-blue flannel pyjamas and hopped out to let Till clean up.

He decided to read the day's newspaper as he waited for the other two. One article in particular stood out, and he read it with renewed interest.

"Mysterious sightings in sleepy town. Human activity, or alien life?"

Wild slipped in shyly when it was his turn to use the restroom.

Making sure the door is locked, he hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled off his first undershirt.

He stares forlornly in the mirror, sighing at the tight material around his chest, or trying to anyway. Other than that, fabric from hell, he'd be all right with his appearance. Except for his wide hips... and short frame.

He sighed and struggled out of the constricting shirt, relief conflicting with the nausea he felt upon seeing a reflection he didn't recognise. He really shouldn't be binding his chest so tightly, but the terror of Jack or Till finding out far outweighed any physical discomfort. 

He hurriedly pulled on a shirt with a high neckline, and a second, before pulling on a sweater as well. It was all a bit warm but that was fine.

He turned this way and that, trying to see if his chest was noticeable or not. Seemed flat enough.... but still.

He felt rather humiliated, as though he was forced to wear a sign around his neck saying that he was worse than other men.

But I'm not less, he thought to himself. I'm just less fortunate.

He sighed and went to brush his teeth. If it wasn't a bother to be born like this... he'd like to have a long conversation with whatever entity saw it fit to put male minds in female bodies. A very mean prank it was. 

He snuck back into the room, holding his bag in front of him.

"Hullo Jack. Is it alright to sleep with you tonight? I would ask Till but, well."

Her quiet snores filled the room.

"It's fine." Jack said quietly, looking at Wild shyly.

Wild nodded and put down his bag while grabbing a pillow, hugging it to his chest.

"May I turn out the light?"

"Yes, thank you."

Wild flicked it off and returned, still clutching the pillow.

"Goodnight Jackie."

"Goodnight Wild."

They nodded off to the sound of the others breathing, both thinking how lovely it was to not be alone. Jack smiled at his companions' comforting presence, and went to sleep.

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